Right Knowledge

I received this from a student at Morehouse who claims : First of all, I would like to give you greetings from the city of Atlanta. Now, if I may give my opinion of your teacher without offending you. I’ve followed Dr. York’s teachings for about six years so I understand the way you might feel about what I’m about to say. When I was involved, I used to hear some say that Dr. York was brain-washing his followers with fear of the unknown future. I would take offense to such remarks without truly thinking about them. Now, as I grow older, I see the truth about him that I was to blind to see before. May I share it with you? In Right […] Read More

1970s: Project REDSUN

ALDRIN AND ARMSTRONG ON MARS IN 1970? PRESS RELEASE-TESTIMONY – APRIL 25, 2011 by Luca Scantamburlo, member of the Free Lance International Press (Rome, Italy) I introduce to you a press release-testimony I have written to discuss the presumed existence of a hush-hush military Space program called “Project Redsun”, carried out in the ’70s of the last century to build a stationary base on Mars, the Red Planet. My source of information – named by me “bravoxsierra24” – has contacted me by email. it is possible to reproduce the pages of the press release, and the picture here presented as well.   Reproduction is allowed on the Web if accompanied by the statement ©  L. Scantamburlo – www.angelismarriti.it Reproduced by permission.

1950s: Buck Nelson’s contact with Starpeople

Buck Nelson 1894-1982 In the early-mid ’50s Buck Nelson claimed he had visited Mars, Moon and Venus in a spaceship piloted by Two Aliens and one American with the name Bucky (a long distant relative to Buck Nelson.) Buck Nelson’s story is similar to George Adamski , Lee Childers, Howard Menger and was dismissed as a fraud by most people. However the story is once again interesting since the theories of Dimension traveling, Time traveling and the newly started experiments with the Relativistic Heavy ions Collider at Brookhaven National Laboratory Buck Nelson’s experience sound very familiar for the UFO-researcher. Buck lived on an 80 acres farm in Ozark Mountains of Missouri, when his radio on one day in April 1954 begun to go crazy […] Read More

1959 – 1964: Clementine Project

The Clementine project is a subprogram of SDI. It deals with the analysis of secret bases on the moon. (Luna is one of those bases). (Alternative 3 was the recommendation by the Jason Society to exploit alien and conventional technology in order for a select few to leave the earth and establish colonies on the Moon and Mars). As part of the Clementine Project and Alternative 3, equipment would have been sent to the moon to set up a mixed human-alien base, called Luna. Whiteout was the name used for this project to send equipment to the moon between 1959 and 1964.