1998: Truth Detracting Elements of the Abduction Phenomena: Psychological Implications

By Eve Frances Lorgen, M. A. This is an article taken directly from my book, The Love Bite. One the hallmarks of an abductee is the pattern of emotional isolation. This behavior can be explained as a result of conditioning, learned adaptations from the abductee’s family members, or reinforced by the alien handlers. The abductee usually learns early in life not to talk about “the little people” who come into their bedrooms at night. The child may talk about their abduction experiences only to be told that they are just “nightmares”. Children often describe the alien intruders as monsters, who come out of the closet or through the walls. The children are immediately invalidated when their parents or siblings tell them there is no […] Read More

1999: Mental Health & the UFO Contactee

*Frequently today, no UFOs and no messages are involved in “contactee” cases, but some manner of contact seems to be happening, thus the validity of the term beyond its original intent. by Harv Howard I have talked with a few contactees who wished they were not involved with UFOs. Despite the emotional, mental, and physical suffering they almost universally go through, most contactees feel they are involved in something good for themselves and the planet if not the Universe. Because of that general feeling, it is understandable then that “Love and light” are the bywords of the contactee movement. But there is a dark element that many of us run into early in the transformation, along the way, or even after we have settled […] Read More