2015: What on Earth Crash-Landed in Mexico?

by Locklip Allegedly, a dead extraterrestrial humanoid was as found among other charred debris after a fireball exploded in the sky above Ichmul, Yucatan, in Mexico, causing power faults. The Yucatan Peninsula was, alarmingly, where a huge asteroid or comet is believed to have struck 65 million years ago, killing off the dinosaurs. It is also where several meteors have previously fallen and where many unidentified flying objects (UFOs) have been reported. “The object reportedly brought mass panic to the rural area after burning in brilliant blue and green colors before crashing.” Large fragments were found, including what some people said looked like hollow bits of machinery, plus the charred form that appeared to have two legs. Officials later said tests showed that the […] Read More

1990’s?: Ernst Zündel’s UFO Research

Ernst Zündel‘s views on censorship TELEPHONE (416) 922-9850 ACHTUNG! SAMISDAT NEWS BULLETIN SAMISDAT HOLLOW EARTH EXPEDITION $9999.00 IN SEARCH OF HOLES IN THE POLES SEARCH FOR HITLER’S ANTARCTIC U.F.O. BASES Due to an overwhelming number of letters and telephone calls requesting details about our new books, new products, speaking tours, psychic research projects and our intensive experimental UFO-construction programs, we have to use this less personal form of keeping in touch with our many friends and collaborators around the world. Your response to our most recent mail out and activities has been most encouraging! We have received orders and enquiries from as far away as Noumea in the south Pacific, Easter Island, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Panama, Mexico, Soviet Satellite countries, China, South Africa, […] Read More

An Analysis 2

A: 309000 years ago, approx. Reflection passed down through a psychic memory channel. Jeremy Narby writes in “The Cosmic Serpent:” “As I browsed over the writings of authorities on mythology, I discovered with surprise that the theme of twin creator beings of celestial origin was extremely common in South America, and indeed throughout the world. […] I wondered what all these twin beings in the creation myths of indigenous people could possibly mean. […] Ruminating over this mental block I recalled Carlos Perez Shuma’s words: ‘Look at the FORM.’ “That morning, at the library, I had looked up DNA in several encyclopedias and had noted in passing that the shape of the double helix was most often described as a ladder, or twisted rope […] Read More