I thought I would finally share a few of my experiences. To the best of my knowledge, I’ve never been abducted. At least I can’t recall having been. In the early 1970’s I had two blocks of missing time. Back then, I was young and very healthy with no physical problems that would contribute to these blackouts. The first time this happened, I was driving home at about 2:00 am on a warm Saturday morning from St. Cloud, MN to Osseo, a northern suburb of Minneapolis. I was traveling along Highway 10, a rather secluded stretch of road at the time. When I turned the corner to my house, I suddenly became aware of my surroundings. Then I realized that I couldn’t remember driving […] Read More


by James Bartley This is a paper written in order to elaborate on themes I had brought up in my previous papers “The Grand Strategy of the Reptilians” and “Common Sense II- Rebuttal To A Reptile In Human Clothing.” It will be a regular feature meant to disseminate hard core information to abductees which is sadly lacking within the so-called UFO Research Community. This information is not for those who are having to retake “Alien Abductions 101.” If you desire information about “Grays” or “Missing Time” or “Hybrids” than you are in the wrong website. Likewise manipulated abductees i.e. Muppets would not be allowed by their reptilian and alien handlers to read this treatise in its entirety. They would likely develop a headache, nausea, […] Read More

1994: Alien Abductions Through The Ages

by Dr. Gregory L. Little 1994 The abduction stories form a continuum with old legends and beliefs …They do contain a message …given to us by the hidden parts of our being. — John Rimmer – (The Evidence for Alien Abductions – 1984) Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore – While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. — Edgar Allan Poe – (The Raven) “We stepped into the fringe of reality,” Karla Turner replied to a questioner — after relating her incredible story to an immense group at the 1992 Ozark UFO Conference. “Our book comes from the […] Read More

1988: The Abduction Phenomenon in Australia

by Keith Basterfield, Vladimir Godic and Pony Godic of UFO Research Australia P.O. Box 229 Prospect, South Australia 5082 ============================================================== In July/August 1988 issue of IUR Budd Hopkins, referring to the testable fantasy-prone hypotheses advanced by Keith Basterfield and Bob Bartholomew, wrote that his advice was “to put their theory on the back burner and to look into any possible abductions that come their way.” Unfortunately, within Australia, this is easier said than done. There has been an apparent lack of well-documented abduction cases in this country. The authors, therefore, decided to review the situation on two fronts. First, they undertook an intensive examination of the Australian UFO literature. Second, they undertook to uncover any previously unreported cases. This article documents our findings to […] Read More

2006: On the March (REVISED) Part One through Six

Written by James Bartley © 2006 Part 1 of a series. This is a paper written in order to elaborate on themes I had brought up in my previous papers “The Grand Strategy of the Reptilians” and “Common Sense II- Rebuttal To A Reptile In Human Clothing.” It will be a regular feature meant to disseminate hard core information to abductees which is sadly lacking within the so-called UFO Research Community. This information is not for those who are having to retake “Alien Abductions 101.” If you desire information about “Grays” or “Missing Time” or “Hybrids” than you are in the wrong website. Likewise manipulated abductees i.e. Muppets would not be allowed by their reptilian and alien handlers to read this treatise in its […] Read More