Top secret Wikileak government conspiracy depopulation via fake UFO attacks.

This Video Contains Facts & Accurate Information on UFOs, USOs, Aliens, Agartha, Vrill, etc. Also, Note Nibiru Renamed By N.A.S.A. Eris Does exist but is not of any concern as some of the Recent Seismic & Volcanic Events are Being caused by the effects of Orion’s Belt, But Do be aware there is strong evidence Cyclone Katrina, Haiti & Yasi are caused by H.A.A.R.P. is a gradual move to a one World Government (NWO) Be aware that your water & foods are contaminated with Fluoride, GMO, aluminum, etc to Dumb us down & Depopulate the Planet Many Vaccines contain Mercury & a threat of a Vaccine that causes sterility is now known to exist, & The BP Oil Spill May Kill off 90% of […] Read More