2014: UFO Hovers Above Arkansas Nuclear Plant and Angel Hair Falls From The Sky In Portugal

Visitors from another planet may have an interest in the Arkansas Nuclear Plant as many reported seeing a mysterious flying object hovering above it for nearly two hours a few days ago. Many observed the UFO above the Arkansas Nuclear One (ANO) water reactor nuclear power plant, near Russellville, according to Headlines and Global News, reported through MUFON. A local witness, who recorded the event on his camera, said that a platform-like object emitted bright, flashy, multicolored lights as it hovered in the sky. The witness claimed that he checked on it occasionally in the next two hours. The witness added that the object went high above his house, and it disappeared from his view within three minutes. The witness did not hear any […] Read More

2014: Mysterious UFO Flies Low Above Pennsylvanian Houses and Emits Orange Light In Several Homes

Encounter by a Pennsylvanian witness at Marietta was reported to MUFON and filed in its witness reporting database under Case 61106. According to the report, the UFO is an orange sphere-shaped, flying just 40 feet above the reporting witness’ home. The UFO reportedly lit up the ground as it slowly moved across the neighborhood. The witness was on his front porch sitting at 1:10 am on a Monday morning, on June 10, 2013, when he noticed an orange light lit up his front yard from a source over the home. He described the light as so bright that he could hardly see his front lamp post light. To get a better look at the mysterious light, he went out onto their walkway. He estimated […] Read More