2015: Television and the UFO – The Mass Acceptance Agenda and the Dark Skies Reboot

In conspiracy theory we deal with a great many arcane and subversive topics from vast government conspiracies to hidden agendas, aliens to cryptids, and about everything in between. Many times these subjects are subversive by nature and are never able to reach a mass population due to the arcane and paranoid nature of the topics. This is a problem that will always be true, and for those of us heavily invested in the research, we will always dwell in the dark corners of the populace seek out tantalizing snippets of information, following dead-end leads, and speaking with shadowy characters. The shadowy characters though are probably reserved for the more adventitious amongst the theorists but we have all had our run-ins. For myself, I have […] Read More


UFOs SUB ROSA* DOWN UNDER THE AUSTRALIAN MILITARY & GOVERNMENT ROLE IN THE UFO CONTROVERSY By Bill Chalker copyright ©1996 Part Four DEFCON 3 TO TOP SECRET UMBRA – A NATIONAL SECURITY CRISIS WITH A UFO CONNECTION IN 1973 On a narrow west coast peninsula, over one thousand kilometers to the north of the main centers of population in Western Australia, stands an enigmatic monument to the military ethic. It is a remote spot even for a country as vast and thinly populated as Australia. A vast array of antennas and towers stand out in stark contrast to the harsh natural beauty of the surrounding terrain. The facility is divided into 3 principal sites – Areas A, B and C. Area A lies on the northernmost tip of the peninsula. […] Read More

Full text Of: Executive Briefing: Project Aquarius

This article about the “Carter Document” has been edited several times by both Robert M. Collins and “ORTK Editor”. This article is a somewhat pre-sequel to the “Yellow Book” article I placed a few days ago. That article had references to this one. This piece has been provided by Robert M. Collins. All text edited by him is copyrighted by him. FULL TEXT OF “EXECUTIVE BRIEFING: PROJECT AQUARIUS” [ ORTK Editor’s Note: The following transcript of an alleged MJ-12 briefing provided to then-President Jimmy Carter has been provided by researcher Lee Graham, a recipient of the document. Graham states that he received the document on June 13, 1991, from researcher William Moore, with the permission of a Defense Intelligence Agency official code-named “Falcon,” a member […] Read More

UFO Triangles… Theirs or Ours? Answer: BOTH

It has been rumored for years that the military’s black operations has perfected incredibly advanced gravity-defying triangular super secret aerial platforms at least partially derived from ET technology. It now appears the proof of such vehicles is to be released in a new book entitled Alien Rapture – The Chosen By Edgar Rothschild Fouche’ and Brad Steiger, due out in late June, 1998 from Galde Press. Tonight, the world’s most exotic and classified aerospace vehicle could be stealthily hovering somewhere over Phoenix, Arizona, Gulf Breeze, Florida, the country of Belgium, or your city. It is known as the TR-3B. Science fiction or fact, you ask? Alien Rapture – The Chosen by Edgar Rothschild Fouche and Brad Steiger details the astounding government cover-up effected by […] Read More

1996: UFO Reality Shift?

Governments may soon break fifty years of silence to tell us the truth about UFOs visiting our planet. But will they tell the whole truth…? Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 3, #3 (April-May 1996). © 1995/96 by Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D. 2826 O Street, Suite 2 Sacramento, CA 95816, USA email: rich.boylan@24stex.com THE ROSWELL INCIDENT Recent and upcoming developments point to public disclosure of UFO and extraterrestrial reality in the very near future. The US GAO (General Accounting Office-the the congressional investigative agency) has completed its investigation of the cover-up of documents related to the 1947 Roswell saucer crash retrieval and autopsies of extraterrestrial bodies. This investigation had been commissioned by Congressman Steven Schiff of New Mexico. Senator Diane Feinstein joined in requesting that […] Read More

Dr. Fu Man Chu Meets The Lonesome Cowboy

An Interview With Eugenia Macer-Story by Adam Gorightly Excerptus Caeruleus: Many times people of goodwill get out of their depth in UFO and supernatural investigations because they underestimate the participation of energy Intelligence with telepathic ability in their situation. It is not possible to “turn off” this Intelligence like a person turns off the computer to go play tennis … I am often in the situation of helping individuals who are in the modern-day acting out the old tale of the sorcerer’s apprentice and have the very devil after them as a result of dabbling in conjurations or UFO investigation with-out proper protection on the subtle mental level. Some UFO encounters are simply modern-day encounters with shape-changing Intelligence. […] I also think that there are […] Read More

1997: Cosmic Top Secret

By: Richard Gall A word from Jeroen Wierda: This is yet another great article by Richard Gall. It’s about Col. Robert Dean ret. who had the highest security clearance that NATO possessed “Cosmic Top Secret”.This article is written by Richard Gall, and all rights remain with him. Cosmic Top Secret by Richard Gall [Former US Army Colonel Robert Dean breaks his oath of secrecy to reveal details of the ‘assessment’, a highly classified NATO document concerning UFOs. For 27 years, Robert Dean served his country as a patriot and a soldier in the US Army. He led combat troops in Korea in 1951 and was in charge of intelligence operations patrols in South Vietnam in 1970. His long history in covert operations and intelligence […] Read More

1998: Edger Fouche presentation on Area 51

Edger Fouche presentation on Area 51, Part I Below are notes for a presentation given by Edgar Fouche. Fouche is the author of the novel “Alien Rapture”. He says he has worked at Area 51 and has collected UFO stories from pilots and other former government workers. The text below is reprinted with permission. Margins have been reformatted by the moderator. =============================================================== Presentation for UFO Congress 8 August 1998 Laughlin, Nevada by Edgar Rothschild Fouche Copyright 1998 Fouche Media Associates at Web: Fouchemedia.com Author’s Note: The draft of Alien Rapture was originally called The Abductors and was copyrighted in early 1994. The MJ-12 documents presented in the book were copyrighted also. The point is, these documents talk about a removable lens the aliens used […] Read More


by James Bartley This is a paper written in order to elaborate on themes I had brought up in my previous papers “The Grand Strategy of the Reptilians” and “Common Sense II- Rebuttal To A Reptile In Human Clothing.” It will be a regular feature meant to disseminate hard core information to abductees which is sadly lacking within the so-called UFO Research Community. This information is not for those who are having to retake “Alien Abductions 101.” If you desire information about “Grays” or “Missing Time” or “Hybrids” than you are in the wrong website. Likewise manipulated abductees i.e. Muppets would not be allowed by their reptilian and alien handlers to read this treatise in its entirety. They would likely develop a headache, nausea, […] Read More

The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects: Chapter 16

CHAPTER 16, THE HIERARCHY PONDERS: By early January 1953 the scientists who were to be members of our panel of experts had been contacted and had agreed to sit in judgment of the UFO. In turn, we agreed to give them every detail about the UFO. We had our best reports for them to read, and we were going to show them the two movies that some intelligence officers considered as the “positive proof” – the Tremonton Movie and the Montana Movie. When this high court convened on the morning of January 12, the first thing it received was its orders; one of three verdicts would be acceptable: 1. All UFO reports are explainable as known objects or natural phenomena; therefore the investigation should […] Read More

The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects: Chapter 15

CHAPTER 15, THE RADIATION STORY The idea for gathering together a group of scientists, to whom we referred as our “panel of experts,” had been conceived early in 1952 – as soon as serious talk about the possibility that the UFO’s might be interplanetary spaceships had taken hold in both military and scientific circles. In fact, when Project Grudge was reorganized in the summer of 1951 the idea had been mentioned, and this was the main reason that our charter had said we were to be only a fact finding group. The people on previous UFO projects had gone off on tangents of speculation about the identity of the UFO’s; they first declared that they were spacecraft, then later, in a complete about face, […] Read More

1961: Project OZMA

Ozma was the name the predecessor of SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) that in 1961 looked for intelligent extraterrestrial radio signals. When the first attempt, aimed at Tau Ceti already showed signs of intelligent life, the project was instantly shut down.

1953: Project Mk Ultra

Mk Ultra is the name of one of the CIA Mind control programs. (The MK stands for Mind Kontrol). It was started in April 1953, as a successor of the Projects Artichoke and Bluebird. Mk Ultra is some kind of an umbrella, a framework project for approx. 150 other projects (most of which started with the initials MK) that over the years studied all conceivable ways to control and influence people’s perceptions, convictions, and, therefore, behavior. Some of the techniques researched were hypnosis, conditioning, sensory deprivation, drugs, religious cults, microwaves, psychosurgery, brain implants, and even ESP (See also the Stargate Project and SRV). The program was officially ended in 1963 and succeeded by MK-Search, which -behind the scenes – continued a lot of the […] Read More

Physical Evidence Related to UFO Reports (Sturrock Panel): Injuries to Vegetation

Peter Sturrock In some cases that involve an apparent disturbance to the soil, there may also be an apparent injury to vegetation. Velasco stated that four such cases have been investigated by GEPAN/SEPRA: the “Christelle” case of November 27, 1979; the “Trans-en-Provence” case of January 8, 1981; the “Amarante” case of October 21, 1982; and the “Joe le Taxi” case of September 7, 1987. In the Christelle case, in which grass was flattened in a uniform direction, plant physiology analysis was subsequently carried out by Professor Touze of the Laboratoire de Physiologie Végétale de l’Université Paul Sabatier (the Center for Plant Physiology, Paul Sabatier University), Toulouse. The Trans-en-Provence case will be discussed later in this section. In the Amarante case, that took place near […] Read More