Article from the: St Louis Post-Dispatch July 3, 1947 _______________________________ ARMY GETS AROUND TO CHECKING `FLYING DISC‘ AND IS MYSTIFIED WASHINGTON, July 3 (UP)- Army research experts can’t explain the ” flying saucers” reported seen in several western states, but they are investigating, they said. The Army air forces has checked all of their research authorities and contractors, but none of them knew or could suggest anything concrete about the “saucers. At first, Army officers laughed off the reports. Now they are beginning to take them at least a little seriously. At any rate, the Air Research Center at Wright Field, O., is looking into the reports, and all service intelligence agencies are at work on them. Army experts suggested-as a bare possibility-that some civilian […] Read More

Strange Connections

Shane Hill As with any field of study, ufology should be looked at through the eye of scientific inquiry. Regardless of how those that call themselves regular scientists see it, we must see it that way. Had we been taking the right approach since Kenneth Arnold had his sighting then perhaps ufology might not have the stigmata associated with it that it does. Gather enough facts, place them all together ask the right questions then things start to appear, small similarities, patterns, or clues start to creep out from the mountains of data that most of us seem to collect. This is one reason I recommend a database, every enthusiastic hobbyist or serious investigator will have a database. Many have designed their own, today’s […] Read More

2006: Underground Bases, Missing Children and ExtraTerrestrials

What You Need to Know for Your Future By James Casbolt, former MI6 agent – July 4, 2006 My name is James Casbolt. I worked for MI6 between 1995 and 1999 in (I am ashamed to say) the dreaded ‘black ops’. Here is a copy of my new article. I am trying to raise public awareness of the crimes against Humanity that are taking place in the DUMBS (deep underground military bases) around the world. I would be very happy if you could post this article on your website. In truth, James Casbolt 3/7/06 After the completion of my last article ‘MI6 are the lords of the global drug trade’ I must now present the full picture as to what the intelligence community drug […] Read More

Orion Technology & other Secret Projects 2/3

What is the real story behind Wilhelm Reich? Most people are familiar with Reichs brilliant work with bions, weather modification, cancer biopathy and other devices. Reichs work has been of interest to the National security Agency for some time, and it involves the fact that when a person is electronically maintained in a pre-orgastic state in their nervous system, gateways unto the mind open up for mind control to take hold. It is his most secret work as far as applications are involved. Reichs contact with alien species, his discoveries about life energy and cancer, and the mind control applications are some of the reasons why he was killed. This knowledge was combined with other knowledge, some of it alien in nature, and integrated […] Read More

1977 – 1979: Project Dreamscan

Dreamscan was the name of another NSA Mind Control programme that was launched either end 1977 or early 1978. The purpose was to influence an individual’s behaviour by entering his or mind in a dream state. (V. Valerian claims its real purpose, like in the movie Dreamscape, was to cause a person’s death in this way). The program was abandoned in 1979 when Pres. Carter found out about it. Rumour has it that it would have been re-activated by the Bush Jr. administration.