2011: Vorticular Madness Of The Dark Magicians

http://theintelhub.com/2011/12/27/vorticular-madness-of-the-dark-magicians/ Richard Sauder December 26, 2011 In my recent book, Hidden in Plain Sight: Beyond the X-Files, I reproduce in full and discuss a couple of Project Paperclip memoranda (circa 1947) that I discovered in the historical archives of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, in Washington, DC. Of course, the Top Secret Project Paperclip operation brought large numbers of “ex”-NAZI scientists, engineers and technicians to the USA in the years after WW II, where they were salted into a wide variety of military, civil government and espionage agencies, corporations and other organizations. The Project Paperclip memos caught my attention for a number of reasons. First of all, because they were requesting such prominent names as W.O. Schumann, Walter Dornberger and Eugen Saenger to be […] Read More

1992: Nazi Germany achieved its technological advantage with aliens’ help

Adolf Hitler and other Nazi bonzes heeded predictions of pagan priests and astrologists. But little is known about the interest of the Third Reich in aliens. Ufologists in the West think that the issue was purposefully kept secret because a great share of the classified army and technology heritage of Nazis had been seized by countries of the anti-Hitler coalition. Much of what is said by western historians and ufologists may sound too fantastic and even absurd. Nazi researchers succeeded in the development of nuclear bombs, other up-to-date armaments and achieved a very high technological level in general. It is supposed that the success was thanks to contacts with aliens that were quite regular. Before Hitler came to power national socialists had been developing […] Read More

1945: Operation Paperclip

After WWII ended in 1945, victorious Russian and American intelligence teams began a treasure hunt throughout occupied Germany for military and scientific booty. They were looking for things like new rocket and aircraft designs, medicines, and electronics. But they were also hunting down the most precious “spoils” of all: the scientists whose work had nearly won the war for Germany. The engineers and intelligence officers of the Nazi War Machine. The U.S. Military rounded up Nazi scientists and brought them to America. It had originally intended merely to debrief them and send them back to Germany. But when it realized the extent of the scientists knowledge and expertise, the War Department decided it would be a waste to send the scientists home. Following the […] Read More

Orion Technology & other Secret Projects 3/3

Are there any tunnels under the Pyramids? There is a tunnel under Giza. No one knows when it was constructed or how. How about spacecraft or anything else like that? An expedition was mounted as a result of data gathered back in the 1920’s and 1930’s about a secret chamber under the pyramid. They built equipment in later years and went in down into the pyramid and found this metal door 500 feet below the base of the pyramid. They found other doors. The doors used a sonic code. They found a room with over 30,000 recording disks and alien equipment. They made photos of the disks with IR film. The Egyptian government wouldn’t allow them to take any out. The disks were deciphered. […] Read More


ARE THE GERMANS DESCENDANTS OF NORDIC ALIENS? A book written by a German American, Reinhold Schmidt, claims that the author was taken up in a UFO on several occasions. The crew spoke German and he was taken to the South Pole. The Americans forced him into silence. The UFO matched at least 2 German designs. The crew leader claimed he was from Saturn. It could be that Germans along with the Nordic nations are descendants of Nordic ETs, as contactees have said that Pleiadians have confirmed this. There was also a story of a German woman who was getting abducted and the ETs spoke German, and they claimed that they had a space station outside our solar system and were the German gods as […] Read More

TECHNO REALITIES: Part 1: The Russian Space Program

TECHNO REALITIES: The Fake Second Coming By Christi Verismo. Part 1 DID RUSSIA BUILD A FLEET OF FLYING SAUCERS AFTER THE WAR? A series of 30 articles on what is going on in the skies, probably unknown to anyone except intelligence agents, privy to the latest space technology, has been put on the net and written by a former US govt. insider calling himself “One who knows”. These articles available at anomalous-images.com are called Fire From The Sky. In summary, these articles claim that the Russians, starting from about 1977, began to produce a flying disk initially called ‘cosmos-interceptor’ then later called cosmospheres. By 1980/81 they’d built 7 super heavy cosmospheres called jumbos, even bigger than the zeppelins of the 1930s. They could carry […] Read More