The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects: Chapter 4

CHAPTER 4, GREEN FIREBALLS, PROJECT TWINKLE, LITTLE LIGHTS AND GRUDGE: At exactly midnight on September 18, 1954, my telephone rang. It was Jim Phalen, a friend of mine from the Long Beach Press-Telegram, and he had a “good flying saucer report,” hot off the wires. He read it to me. The lead line was: “Thousands of people saw a huge fireball light up dark New Mexico skies tonight.” The story went on to tell about how a “blinding green” fireball the size of a full moon had silently streaked southeast across Colorado and northern New Mexico at eight forty that night. Thousands of people had seen the fireball. It had passed right over a crowded football stadium at Santa Fe, New Mexico, and people […] Read More

1948: Project Paperclip

At the end of WWII  as well as after WWII. both the US and the Soviet Union were keen to get their hands on German scientists, as in many fields, the Germans had proven to have superior scientific knowledge. The Germans, e.g., were the only ones to possess supersonic rockets, nerve gas, jet aircraft, guided missiles, stealth technology, and hardened armor. In 1948, project Paperclip came into existence. Its goal was to transfer German scientists to the States where they would be offered immunity from prosecution on the condition that they handed over the results of their research and agreed to continue their work, yet this time for the US Government. Wernher Von Braun, e.g., was one of those scientists. Most of them ended up in […] Read More

1953: Project Mk Ultra

Mk Ultra is the name of one of the CIA Mind control programs. (The MK stands for Mind Kontrol). It was started in April 1953, as a successor of the Projects Artichoke and Bluebird. Mk Ultra is some kind of an umbrella, a framework project for approx. 150 other projects (most of which started with the initials MK) that over the years studied all conceivable ways to control and influence people’s perceptions, convictions, and, therefore, behavior. Some of the techniques researched were hypnosis, conditioning, sensory deprivation, drugs, religious cults, microwaves, psychosurgery, brain implants, and even ESP (See also the Stargate Project and SRV). The program was officially ended in 1963 and succeeded by MK-Search, which -behind the scenes – continued a lot of the […] Read More

2004: Are UFOs In Actuality the Military’s Ultimate Sky Spies?

By Steve Douglass (C) 2004 This article originally appeared in Popular Communications Magazine in August 2004. (C) 2004 Steve Douglass. Reproduction here with friendly permission by the author. If the winds were kind and the technical problems were ironed-out, by the time you read this you may have already heard about the strange “flying V-shaped” UFO that has been seen by citizens over far west Texas and southeastern New Mexico. Although the event hasn’t happened as of this writing, it is likely this huge flying object will be seen at sunset and is flying so high it probably glows brightly for maybe more than an hour after dusk and will undoubtedly prompt uninformed citizens to call local authorities and report an unidentified flying object […] Read More

1864 – 2000: Reported Crashes and Recoveries based of Witnesses and Newspaper Articles.

1864 September Cadotte Pass, Missouri Original newspaper article of 1864. 1884 June 6 Holdredge, Nebraska Inconclusive but quite interesting. 1884 December 13 Sorisole, near Bergamo, Italy 1897 April 17 Aurora, Texas      Hoax? 1897 April 19 Leroy, Kansas, USA       Hoax? 1907 Burlington, Vermont, USA 1908 June 30 Tunguska River, USSR 1910/1915 Puglia Italy 1923 Quetta, Pakistan 1925 Chevy Chase, Maryland, USA 1925 Sept/Oct Polson, Montana 1930 Mandurah, West Australia 1933 Italy 1936 Black Forest, Germany 1938 summer Czernica, Poland 1941 West of San Diego, Ca 1941 Spring Cape Girardeau, Missouri 1941 July 4 Tinian Island, Oceania 1945 Somewhere in the  UK 1945 Mataquescuintla, Guatemala 1946 Magdalena, NM 1946 July 9 Lake Barken, Sweden 1946 July 10 Bjorkon, Sweden 1946 July 18 Lake Mjosa Sweden 1946 […] Read More

1561 – 1997 List of UFO crashes

1923 Quetta, Pakistan 1925 Chevy Chase, Maryland, USA 1925 Sept/Oct Polson, Montana 1930 Mandurah, West Australia 1933 Italy 1933 or 1934 – Ubatuba, Brazil Witnesses on a beach are said to have seen a disc dive and explode, showering the area with silvery fragments of highly pure magnesium. 1936 Black Forest, Germany 1938 CZERNICA, near Jelenia Gora. Seized by Nazi Germany, after Polish Invasion One Year Later. Updated 12-10-02 1941 West of San Diego, Ca 1941 Spring Cape Girardeau, Missouri 1941 July 4 Tinian Island, Oceania 1945 Somewhere in the UK 1945 Mataquescuintla, Guatemala 1946 Magdalena, NM 1946 July 9 Lake Barken, Sweden 1946 July 10 Bjorkon, Sweden 1946 July 18 Lake Mjosa Sweden 1946 July 19 Noon Lake Kolmjarv, Sweden 1946 August 12 […] Read More

Egg Shaped UFO”s

The egg craft has been seen to fly with the long axis vertical. Egg configurations ordinarily range in the 1 – 30-meter range and it is equipped to land with the retractable landing gear. Studies done on ground impressions left when an egg-shaped craft was seen to land revealed that it was 6 meters axial and 3 meters cross diameter. The weight of the craft was 30 tons. The sound may be from a roar to a hum, buzz, whine or whirr at close quarters, which can rises in both pitch and intensity seconds before and during takeoff. In flight it may have a light swish-of-air sound, or may run absolutely silent. With few exceptions, there is no roar or boom when moving at […] Read More

Signals, Noise, and UFO Waves

Signals, Noise, and UFO Waves By Richard Hall Over the past 50 years a seeming outbreak of UFO sightings has captured public and news media attention on average about every five to eight years. Sometimes the sightings have been sufficiently spectacular that the publicity has led someone to attempt a scientific study, but these studies usually bog down in confusion and controversy, and the interest fades away. News media interest comes and goes, the press tending to treat UFOs as a “silly season” topic. Ufologists continue to compile data suggesting that UFO sightings tend to come in waves, but no particular pattern has been found that would even begin to bowl scientists off their feet. For whatever reasons, the UFO phenomenon—or attention to it—ebbs […] Read More


Posted by anthonynorth on August 15th, 2007   Most people have heard of the crashed flying saucer at Roswell, New Mexico. But this was not the only supposed crash of an alien craft. One of the earliest recorded UFO crashes is said to have happened on 6 June 1884 when a blazing object crashed in Dundy County, Nebraska. Local farmhands rushed to the scene and found sand fused to a glass-like substance and a large pile of hot debris. One person who got too close suffered blisters similar to radiation exposure today. It took several days for the debris to cool down, whereupon the local paper reported it was extremely light metal but incredibly strong. It could have been aluminum, except it had not […] Read More

2006: Underground Bases, Missing Children and ExtraTerrestrials

What You Need to Know for Your Future By James Casbolt, former MI6 agent – July 4, 2006 My name is James Casbolt. I worked for MI6 between 1995 and 1999 in (I am ashamed to say) the dreaded ‘black ops’. Here is a copy of my new article. I am trying to raise public awareness of the crimes against Humanity that are taking place in the DUMBS (deep underground military bases) around the world. I would be very happy if you could post this article on your website. In truth, James Casbolt 3/7/06 After the completion of my last article ‘MI6 are the lords of the global drug trade’ I must now present the full picture as to what the intelligence community drug […] Read More

UFO Roundup: Volume 1 Number 6: March 25, 1996

Editor: Joseph Trainor The UFO flap in Canada is really heating up. Here’s the latest on the UFO sightings north of the border… UFO SEEN NEAR CANADIAN FORCES BASE Tuesday evening, March 19, 1996, a dazzling “star-shaped” or “diamond-shaped” UFO crossed the Ottawa River into Quebec and startled nine workmen at a brickmaking plant. The sighting took place in Waltham Station, Quebec, a small town on Highway 148 just across the river from Pembroke, Ontario. According to the Pembroke Observer, the UFO was spotted by Hector Brochu and eight other workmen at the Waltham Dry Kilns Co. just west of town. Mr. Brochu described the UFO as “a smooth star-shaped object about 45 centimeters in diameter.” Other workmen described the object as “diamond-shaped” with […] Read More

UFO Roundup: Volume 1 Number 5: March 18, 1996

Editor: Joseph Trainor Greetings, gang! You’d better put on some asbestos gloves before touching the keyboard. This week’s news is sizzling hot! MORE UFOs SIGHTED IN CANADA’S NORTHWEST TERRITORIES A major UFO flap has erupted around the Great Slave Lake in the Northwest Territories of Canada. Between March 3 and March 17, residents of Hay River, a town of 3,268 people on the south shore of the frozen lake, have been seeing UFOs every night. The objects are described as bright lights colored red, white, yellow and blue or as “two wash basins, one inverted on top of another, colored gray, with a blinking red or blue light.” When they appear, the UFOs are seen about one to one-and-a-half miles out on the lake. […] Read More

Orion Technology & other Secret Projects 3/3

Are there any tunnels under the Pyramids? There is a tunnel under Giza. No one knows when it was constructed or how. How about spacecraft or anything else like that? An expedition was mounted as a result of data gathered back in the 1920’s and 1930’s about a secret chamber under the pyramid. They built equipment in later years and went in down into the pyramid and found this metal door 500 feet below the base of the pyramid. They found other doors. The doors used a sonic code. They found a room with over 30,000 recording disks and alien equipment. They made photos of the disks with IR film. The Egyptian government wouldn’t allow them to take any out. The disks were deciphered. […] Read More

Project BETA

In a report entitled “PROJECT BETA,” Paul states that he had spent two years tracking the alien craft; that he had constant reception of video from an alien ship and underground base viewscreen; that he had established constant direct communications with the aliens using a computer and a form of hexadecimal code with graphics and print-out; and claims to have used aerial and ground photography to locate the alien ship’s launch ports charged beam weapons. Paul claimed that the aliens were devious, employed deception, and did not adhere to agreements. He and Walter were working on a weapon that would counter the aliens. Have we crossed over from the land of the real world to the land of science-fiction? But then, bizarre phenomena may […] Read More