1995: The Goals of Project Blue Beam

From: The International Free Press in Canada. Circa 1995 Project Blue Beam. This is from the International Free Press in Canada. Note: Serge Monast and another journalist, both of whom were researching Project Blue Beam, died of “heart attacks” within weeks of each other although neither had a history of heart disease. Serge was in Canada. The other Canadian journalist was visiting Ireland. Prior to his death, the Canadian government abducted Serge’s daughter in an attempt to dissuade him from pursuing his research into Project Blue Beam. His daughter was never returned. Pseudo-heart attacks are one of the alleged methods of death induced by Project Blue Beam. The International Free Press Network is not a religious group, neither is it a political organization, but […] Read More

1997: Unknown Site Remains SO

Sunday, Dec. 14, 1997 UNKNOWN SITE REMAINS SO Linda Watanabe McFerrin SPECIAL TO THE EXAMINER Darlington’s informants – desert denizens, road warriors, con artists, and self-proclaimed extraterrestrials – are a colorful lot, and their stories about alien abductions, government conspiracies, and interstellar travel rival the best from the Twilight Zone. Darlington walks among them with heroic impartiality on his sober and ultimately sobering prowl of Dreamland‘s dramatic periphery. When he digs deeper, the stories get wilder. Witnesses report on aliens called “little grays,” saucers propelled by elements that do not exist in this solar system, the use of humans as guinea pigs, and New World Order conspiracies. There are tales about back-engineering captive flying saucers, interactions with aliens, neighbors from Alpha Reticuli and Invisible […] Read More


by James Bartley This is a paper written in order to elaborate on themes I had brought up in my previous papers “The Grand Strategy of the Reptilians” and “Common Sense II- Rebuttal To A Reptile In Human Clothing.” It will be a regular feature meant to disseminate hard core information to abductees which is sadly lacking within the so-called UFO Research Community. This information is not for those who are having to retake “Alien Abductions 101.” If you desire information about “Grays” or “Missing Time” or “Hybrids” than you are in the wrong website. Likewise manipulated abductees i.e. Muppets would not be allowed by their reptilian and alien handlers to read this treatise in its entirety. They would likely develop a headache, nausea, […] Read More

2006: Abduction of Hannah Billups or The Depopulation of Earth

by Dirk Vander Ploeg Posted November 9, 2006 Hannah Billups believes that she has special gifts given to her by God, that allow her to see people, places, and events through visions. One day she had a vision of a beautiful little girl that was in desperate trouble and needed help. So she got on the telephone and called the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and related her vision and gave them all the information that she had gathered. The date of her phone call was Saturday, May 13, 2006. The next day, Sunday, she had visitors in her kitchen. It’s important to note that Hannah lives in a very rural location and her home is on the top of a mountain in the […] Read More

1998: Truth Detracting Elements of the Abduction Phenomena: Psychological Implications

By Eve Frances Lorgen, M. A. This is an article taken directly from my book, The Love Bite. One the hallmarks of an abductee is the pattern of emotional isolation. This behavior can be explained as a result of conditioning, learned adaptations from the abductee’s family members, or reinforced by the alien handlers. The abductee usually learns early in life not to talk about “the little people” who come into their bedrooms at night. The child may talk about their abduction experiences only to be told that they are just “nightmares”. Children often describe the alien intruders as monsters, who come out of the closet or through the walls. The children are immediately invalidated when their parents or siblings tell them there is no […] Read More

1998: Alien Implant Removals: Five Abductees Discuss Before and After Effects

By Eve Frances Lorgen, M. A. Several years after the surgical removal of their alleged alien implants, five individuals courageously accepted to take part in an interview to discuss their “before and after effects”. All persons, one male and four females, shared one thing in common: UFO encounters and contact with non-human alien beings. Dr. Roger Leir, a podiatrist from Thousand Oaks, California, founder of FIRST (Fund for Interactive Research and Space Technology) and Derrel Sims, C.Ht., R.H.A., a certified hypnotherapist , co-founder of FIRST and experienced UFO Investigator of over 27 year, orchestrated the successful surgeries with a team of competent medical professionals and volunteers. The first set of “implant” surgeries took place on August 19, 1995 at Dr. Roger Leir’s podiatry clinic […] Read More

2000: Identifying Mind Control and Abductions

By Eve Lorgen, M.A. © 2000 Mind control is a vast subject matter involving many levels of sophisticated technologies designed to control human thought, emotion and behavior. Much information is already known about the application of what is sometimes referred as “non-lethal weapons technology.” My aim with this article and future ones will focus on the identification and recovery of both human and alien methods of mind control.* Proper identification and diagnostic assessment of these problems are necessary so that true support and therapy can be obtained for those seeking answers and help.* This will include mind control used in MILAB (Military) abductions. MILABS is a term used to describe abductions by human military personnel, reported by persons who also had the classic “alien […] Read More

2005: A Female Abductee’s Revelations Of Hybrid Infiltration

By James Bartley This is an interview with a woman known as “Karen” who is an abductee. Karen has had many experiences with the Greys, a Grey-Reptilian hybrid and Human-appearing hybrids. Karen provides a tremendous amount of insight into the activities of the ETs and in particular the human-appearing hybrids. She has witnessed many different forms of ET mind control and has been beaten and raped numerous times by the human-appearing hybrids. The ETs utilized a variety of technological devices on her which she describes in this interview. In the interview phase of this paper, “JB” stands for James Bartley and “KA” stands for Karen. After the interview portion of the paper I will write an analysis and summary of the revelations given by […] Read More

2011: Horus-Ra as the Archontic Alien Parasite

A follow-up interview with Maarit a Scandinavian MILAB-abductee Posted on December 13, 2011 By Eve Lorgen Synopsis This article focuses on the parasitic nature of Horus-Ra as an “Archontic” interdimensional being discovered within the milab and alien abduction experience. The notation as Horus-Ra was chosen due to the being’s similar appearance to the ancient Egyptian hawk-headed being, as well as taking a snake-like form. A follow-up interview with Maarit, a Scandinavian milab, is featured as the key witness of a most fascinating, bizarre and disturbing account that involves elements of alien and milab abductions, rituals, genetic manipulation, mind control and outright spiritual warfare. The article is divided into several categories: Ancient Gnostic View of Archons as described in tractates of the Nag Hammadi Library […] Read More

2006: On the March (REVISED) Part One through Six

Written by James Bartley © 2006 Part 1 of a series. This is a paper written in order to elaborate on themes I had brought up in my previous papers “The Grand Strategy of the Reptilians” and “Common Sense II- Rebuttal To A Reptile In Human Clothing.” It will be a regular feature meant to disseminate hard core information to abductees which is sadly lacking within the so-called UFO Research Community. This information is not for those who are having to retake “Alien Abductions 101.” If you desire information about “Grays” or “Missing Time” or “Hybrids” than you are in the wrong website. Likewise manipulated abductees i.e. Muppets would not be allowed by their reptilian and alien handlers to read this treatise in its […] Read More

2000: Alien Civil Affairs Programs

by James Bartley © 2000 Many abductees succumb to the smoke and mirrors deceptions that are prevalent within the New Age Movement. The New Age seems to offer instant answers, acceptance and validation to someone who is undergoing alien abduction experiences. The New Age propagandist relate everything that happens to an abductee (or as they prefer, a Contactee or Experiencer) as part of an ongoing process of Spiritual Enlightenment. As we shall see, things are not always as they seem. In the first of a series of articles I will point out the methodology in which an abductee is lured into an involvement and acceptance of New Age Belief Systems which will hinder their ability to recognize the nature of the manipulation they are […] Read More

1954-1962|3?: Project Redlight

Established in 1954.  The mission of RED LIGHT is to test fly a recovered alien craft. It is conducted at AREA 51 (DREAMLAND) in Groom Lake, Nevada. The initial project was somewhat successful in that we flew a recovered craft but it blew up in the air and the pilots were killed. PROJECT REDLIGHT was terminated in 1962 – 63 after a recovered craft exploded during test flights. There were no survivors among the human test pilots. The project was suspended at that time until the aliens agreed to help us. Afterwards it was resumed with a different name (?Snowbird Project?)

Project Krispa

Material published on the Serpo site in August 2006 mentions a Project KRISPA. It allegedly is a highly classified project that is taking alien technology and developing civilian applications. Not much else is known. No other sources mention this name.