1999: The True Story of a Man Taken for Ten Days To an Extraterrestrial Civilization

Alec Newald One Monday in mid-February 1989, Alec Newald set off on what should have been a three-hour drive from Rotorua to Auckland, in New Zealand. He arrived in Auckland feeling tired and confused, but was even more confused to learn that Monday was now Thursday ten days later and that he had no idea of what had happened in the meantime! When Alec did retrieve his memories of those missing ten days, he realized his life had changed forever. Early on in that fateful trip, while driving through a foggy mountain pass, Alec was whisked from the road by beings from an extraterrestrial civilization. What he learned and experienced during his stay with these friendly beings has profound implications for all of us […] Read More

1988: The Abduction Phenomenon in Australia

by Keith Basterfield, Vladimir Godic and Pony Godic of UFO Research Australia P.O. Box 229 Prospect, South Australia 5082 ============================================================== In July/August 1988 issue of IUR Budd Hopkins, referring to the testable fantasy-prone hypotheses advanced by Keith Basterfield and Bob Bartholomew, wrote that his advice was “to put their theory on the back burner and to look into any possible abductions that come their way.” Unfortunately, within Australia, this is easier said than done. There has been an apparent lack of well-documented abduction cases in this country. The authors, therefore, decided to review the situation on two fronts. First, they undertook an intensive examination of the Australian UFO literature. Second, they undertook to uncover any previously unreported cases. This article documents our findings to […] Read More


by W. B. Howard PART TWO OF A THREE PART SERIES…. THE WORD OF FAITH & THE EARTH GRID FORCE. Christians have been taught in these astonishing days to depend on the Word of Faith, which is not the Word of God per se, but a mystical “Force Word.” The Faith Movement cults major on this teaching. Through the use of this “Faith Word” or “Force Word” the unwary are being programmed into drawing on the power of the Force, just as the New Agers do. An extract from my book “Faith Movement Heresies”, pp54 55 (not yet online), follows: “Why is the Faith Word the Source or Force? TheBible tells us that the AntiChrist system of the Last Days will worship the God of […] Read More