1967: The overlooked UFO wave and the Colorado Project

Presented by RICHARD H. HALL ABSTRACT A major wave of UFO sightings occurred in 1967; even by official Air Force figures it was the 4th largest in terms of sightings reported, yet no one talks about it. The special significance of the 1967 wave is that it occurred during the one full year of investigations by the University of Colorado UFO Project, and everyone deferred to the project is looking for “answers.” The only answer was the Condon Report. This study analyzes the wave and demonstrates that the Colorado Project had ample case material to investigate during its lifetime, yet failed miserably to accomplish “scientific investigation.” At the same time, publicity about the project obscured the sighting wave. INTRODUCTION The “Great UFO Wave of […] Read More

1997: ETs and Ancient Astronauts are Illuminati Propaganda

article extracted from Truth Campaign issue 25 with additional material Foreword by Ivan Fraser Over the last 30 years or so there has been increasing interest in the ‘ancient astronaut’ thesis. Although this fascination with ‘real’ alien visitors essentially hit mainstream consciousness with the works of Erik Von Daniken and Zecharia Sitchin, the population has been mentally prepared for the aliens since the beginning of the 20th century by science-fiction in books, comics, movies, and tv shows. It is so innate to our collective psyche today that there are very few who do not relate the idea of UFOs to extra-terrestrial beings and have an immediate mental image of the ‘greys’ and the similar spindly beings of Spielberg’s Close Encounters, or Whitley Streiber’s Communion, […] Read More