The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects: Chapter 1

This is the entire text of the book “The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects” by Edward J. Ruppelt, former head of the United States Air Force Project Blue Book. CONTENTS: CHAPTER ONE Project Blue Book and the UFO Story, 1 (This page) CHAPTER TWO The Era of Confusion Begins, 15 CHAPTER THREE The Classics, 29 CHAPTER FOUR Green Fireballs, Project Twinkle, Little Lights, and Grudge, 47 CHAPTER FIVE The Dark Ages, 59 CHAPTER SIX The Presses Roll-The Air Force Shrugs, 69 CHAPTER SEVEN The Pentagon Rumbles, 82 CHAPTER EIGHT The Lubbock Lights, Unabridged, 96 CHAPTER NINE The New Project Grudge, 111 CHAPTER TEN Project Blue Book and the Big Build-Up, 123 CHAPTER ELEVEN The Big Flap, 139 CHAPTER TWELVE The Washington Merry-Go-Round, 156 CHAPTER […] Read More


THE NEW YORK TIMES. October 27, 1945. Page-1: 1,400-MILE SPEED IS ATTAINED BY SUPERSONIC FLYING DEVICES By Russell Porter Special to THE NEW YORK TIMES. BUFFALO, Oct. 26–Special flying devices in the supersonic field, built for the Government in cooperation with other organizations, have attained speeds of 1,400 miles an hour, almost twice the speed of sound, Dr. C. C. Furnas, director of the Curtiss-Wright Research Laboratory, revealed here today. Dr. Furnas said that he was speaking of true flying devices, not artillery shells or rockets and that they were being flown in tests “somewhere in the United States.” In some cases the devices have wings, and they do not depend on propellers or atomic energy for power, but this was about the only […] Read More


Posted by anthonynorth on August 15th, 2007   Most people have heard of the crashed flying saucer at Roswell, New Mexico. But this was not the only supposed crash of an alien craft. One of the earliest recorded UFO crashes is said to have happened on 6 June 1884 when a blazing object crashed in Dundy County, Nebraska. Local farmhands rushed to the scene and found sand fused to a glass-like substance and a large pile of hot debris. One person who got too close suffered blisters similar to radiation exposure today. It took several days for the debris to cool down, whereupon the local paper reported it was extremely light metal but incredibly strong. It could have been aluminum, except it had not […] Read More

1949: Project Saucer

NATIONAL MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT OFFICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION Washington 25, D. C. MEMORANDUM TO THE PRESS           NO. M 26 – 49 IMMEDIATE RELEASE APRIL 27, 1949 RE 6700 Ext. 3201           The following report is a digest of preliminary studies made by the Air Material Command, Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio, on “Flying Saucers.” PROJECT   “SAUCER” On Tuesday, June 24, 1947, a Boise, Idaho businessman named Kenneth Arnold looked from his private plane and spotted a chain of nine saucer-like objects playing tag with the jagged peaks of Washington’s Mt. Ranier at what he described as a “fantastic speed.” Arnold’s report set off a veritable celestial chain reaction.   And within a few days, the fabulous “flying saucers” had spun into the national spotlight.  […] Read More


[[125]] Dr. Baker represented the United States Air Force at the International Astronautical Federation meeting in Stockholm, Sweden in 1961, represented the United States at the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics European Conferences in 1962 and in 1965 and was an invitee to the Astronomical Councile [sic] of the Academy of Sciences of USSR in Moscow in 1967. He was voted an Outstanding Young Man of the Year by the Junior Chamber of Commerce in 1965. From 1963 to 1964 he was the National Chairman of the Astrodynamics Technical Committee of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics and is currently a member of Computer Sciences Technical Committee. Dr. Baker has been the Editor of the Journal of the Astronautical Sciences since […] Read More