2014: Alien Implants: A Closer Look Into One Aspect of Alien Abduction

Everything from the release of government documents, to high level testimonies from high ranking military and political figures has ignited a massive surge of interest in the UFO phenomenon from people all over the world. Unidentified Flying Objects (performing maneuvers that defy our understanding of physics) are now a confirmed reality. Official government documents prove that defence and government agencies have been examining this topic for a while. For example, you can view the UK’s latest release of files from June 2013 here. You can find at more information about that from CE by clicking here. As yourself, why is there such a high level of interest from government and military agencies? The question people are asking has changed from “do UFOs exist?” to […] Read More

Frequently Asked Questions

Hello and welcome to the THINK ABOUT IT Frequently Asked Questions posting. I tried to keep a neutral stance when I researched the many of the subjects covered in this FAQ; however, you may also notice that some of the material seem to be one-sided. When doing some of the research I may have only used one book or source, thus (as you may have noticed) some authors present information from only one point of view and this has a tendency to be carried over to this FAQ, do to the lack of information on the subject from another point of view. (deep huh?) Also, please when reading information from this FAQ (as one poster put it) take everything you read here with a very large grain of salt. (rock […] Read More

1999: HUFON Abductions Investigation Update

by Vince Johnson Master hypnotherapist Derrell Sims has been taking a different approach to the abduction phenomenon. Sims uses forensic hypnotic regression as well as a barrage of other techniques to break through induced amnesia and screen memories that mask the abduction experiences of his clients, who usually come to him only knowing that they experienced something weird, like missing time, or paint mysteriously bubbling off their car at night. “When someone comes to me and says ‘I’ve been abducted by aliens,’ it’s almost always fantasy or delusion,” says Sims. He takes a different approach, however, by utilizing “active measures” to deal with abductees’ interactions with their abductors. As chairman of HUFON’s Abductions Investigation Committee, Sims, along with his research assistants Patrice Eldridge and […] Read More

1999: Subject: Abduction

The following was taken from the UFO Sky Searchers International list. This letter is being sent anonymously for a very good reason. I don’t want my name attached to this subject in any way, shape or form. I have worked very hard to get three university degrees and gain my professional status. I could not jeopardize my credibility. I never believed in UFOs nor aliens. I thought it was all in people’s minds as were the “faeries” and leprechauns of old European folklore. My sister then began complaining about strange dreams, and later claimed to have seen a UFO which followed her home from work late one night. She later received strange telephone calls with the noise of “pots and pans” banging in the […] Read More

1988: Abductions: The Boundary Deficit Hypothesis

1988 by Martin Kottmeyer As claims about the reality of alien abductions multiply, the assertion is increasingly heard that psychology offers little or no insight into how such experiences could occur if they are unreal. Abductees are normal people. Tests prove it. How, then, could normal people make such impossible claims as those found in abduction narratives and not be right? If this assertion is true, the theatre version of the UFO phenomenon is in jeopardy. To the extent that the UFO phenomenon is a genre of theatre and an expression of the human imagination, it must be amenable to psychological study. Clearly this is a paradox that needs to be addressed. Drama is quintessentially involved with conflict, the exercise of power. Aliens and their […] Read More

1992: Project Argus

Argus is the name of a scientific research project, established in 1992 (?), that investigates crop circles, more exactly the effect that the crop circle has on the vegetation in the circle. By using electron microscopes, the researchers discovered some kind of ‘bubbles’ in the plants in the circle, which they could not explain. Other researchers found that the genetic structure of the plants had changed.


BY MARK RODEGHIER Mark Rodeghier, Ph.D., is scientific director of the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies in Chicago.This article appears in the Summar 1999 issue of the International UFO Reporter. Understanding where and when UFO sightings occur is one of the core activities for UFO investigators and organizations. Without that knowledge, it is difficult to believe we will ever make any advance in our understanding of the UFO phenomenon. Although the importance of gathering statistics on the number and type of reports is considered important, doing so has been honored more often in word than indeed. There are no complete yearly statistics for the United States because there is no central authority who can get the necessary cooperation from the diverse groups […] Read More


by W. B. Howard PART THREE OF A THREE-PART SERIES…. There are signs and lying wonders of a Satanic nature mentioned in II Thessalonians 2:9. Of this I am absolutely certain, these are supernatural, spectatcular happenings,  designed  to lead mankind into an acceptance of Satan’s evil spirits and his plans for world domination. The Crop Circles which are appearing world wide are real, not a hoax, almost certainly a part of what is mentioned in II Thessalonians 2:9!  They are not just circles, by the way, they are complicated  patterns called pictograms.  These can seriously affect yourself or your family in an adverse manner, if you  accept  them as being from God, or regard  their messages  as being communications of a holy or worthwhile […] Read More

1999: Disney’s Legendary ‘Alien Encounters’ Sneak TV Documentary Quotes

Several years ago, the Disney company aired a major one-hour television Special, with no advance notice, on stations in only 5 US cities. Thanks to a few viewers who were able to roll their VCRs and capture it, we have a record of the startling quotes and statements it contained. In light of the current, purported ‘rift’ between Disney and NASA over the content of Disney’s new film, “Mission To Mars”, I thought it pertinent to revisit those quotes. My thanks to my colleague Michael Lindemann of CNI News for his file containing the many arresting and downright shocking statements in that Disney special…which appears now, as it did then, to have been a definite probe to measure public reaction to news of the […] Read More

Why Do Ufologists Largely Ignore the Most Scientific Field Study of UFOs Ever Conducted?

by Dr. Greg Little Few ufologists and even fewer people with a causal interest in the UFO phenomenon are familiar with what could have arguably been the most scientific and thorough field study of UFOs ever made. In some ways it is odd that this research is so obscure in ufology, but the reasons become increasingly clear when the findings and psychological aspects of it are understood. Even more oddly, ufologists who begin with the assumption that UFOs are extraterrestrial craft are those who have mostly ignored the findings of this extraordinary research. In fact, this amazing series of field studies could be the best evidence ever put forth that something physical (and operating outside the known laws of science) does move around in […] Read More

1998: Alien Implant Removals: Five Abductees Discuss Before and After Effects

By Eve Frances Lorgen, M. A. Several years after the surgical removal of their alleged alien implants, five individuals courageously accepted to take part in an interview to discuss their “before and after effects”. All persons, one male and four females, shared one thing in common: UFO encounters and contact with non-human alien beings. Dr. Roger Leir, a podiatrist from Thousand Oaks, California, founder of FIRST (Fund for Interactive Research and Space Technology) and Derrel Sims, C.Ht., R.H.A., a certified hypnotherapist , co-founder of FIRST and experienced UFO Investigator of over 27 year, orchestrated the successful surgeries with a team of competent medical professionals and volunteers. The first set of “implant” surgeries took place on August 19, 1995 at Dr. Roger Leir’s podiatry clinic […] Read More

2009: Up to 1 billion humans are abducted by hyperdimensional ETs, and humans are in cognitive dissonance

June 4, 6:05 PM Mactonnies: Reported Gray hyper-dimensional Empirical, replicable research published by ICAR, the International Community for Alien Research, confirms that a hyper-dimensional civilization consisting of amphibian reptilian hybrids and Gray cybernetic clones have reportedly abducted approximately 1 billion out of the current estimated human population of 6,783,421,727 as of May 31, 2009, or approximately 14.7 percent of the present world population. These 1 billion human abductees, according to the replicable empirical research, – have had their consciousness and/or their physical bodies taken by a quantum, hyperdimensional process, and returned to their original location (and in some cases original time) with erased memories of the abduction. Memories of the hyper-dimensional abduction retrieved through hypnotic regression and similar techniques reveal consistent patterns during the […] Read More

2007: The alien abduction story and non-physical reality

William C. Treurniet, July 2007 Summary. Analysis of the alien abduction story suggests that the sequence of events is comparable to some experiences of the shamanic spirit world as revealed by DMT, a hallucinogenic drug. In the trance state, some people see beings similar to those reported by abductees. Therefore, it is possible that abductees involuntarily manufacture excessive endogenous DMT, which then opens the door to the spirit world. Further, the physical evidence associated with some abductions suggests that happenings in the spirit world can manifest in the physical world. Finally, since the alien abductors appear in the DMT visions, they are inhabitants of the spirit world and likely are not directly responsible for the UFOs seen in the physical world. Background Many people […] Read More

Heretic Among Heretics: Jacques Vallee Interview

Conspire.com PART 1 Jacques Vallee hesitated before agreeing to be interviewed about the subject for which he’s most famous: UFOs. It’s not that he’s reluctant to discuss the topic or tussle with the skeptics. After all, he’s written close to a dozen books on UFOs, several of them best-sellers, analyzing a notoriously ethereal subject as a hard-headed physical scientist, folklorist, and sociologist. He believes there is more than enough solid evidence to make a compelling case for the existence of UFOs, and he doesn’t shy away from honest debate. It’s the hard-core believers who give Vallee pause. Anyone who has observed the semi-academic cockpit known as “UFOlogy” knows that close encounters of the UFO expert kind shed little light and much heat, dogma and […] Read More