1996: The Scientific Context of the UFO/Abduction Phenomenon

 Don Donderi, Ph.D Summary: The purpose of this essay is to explain how to clarify the evidence for or against the reality of UFO abductions. Many workers in this field have modified the conventional meaning of both the word “reality” and the word “abduction.” I do not accept these modifications. A UFO abduction, if it occurs, is a physical event. Don Donderi is an Associate Professor of Psychology at McGill University, Montreal, Canada. His basic research interests include human perception and memory, and his applied work is in the field of human factors and ergonomics. He is a principal of Human Factors North, Inc., a Toronto-based ergonomics consulting firm. Essay originally appeared in: International UFO Reporter, Spring 1996, Volume 21, Number 1 Copyright 1996 […] Read More


Image via Wikipedia By James Bartley © 2002 NOTE: All rights are reserved and all articles hold copyright by each author and their respective website. No part of this article can be published in part or in any form without expressed written consent from each assigned agent by emailing here. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. The thesis of this treatise is that certain individuals within the UFO, paranormal and conspiracy research fields are often used, wittingly or unwittingly, to control and manipulate others. We hope the information in this treatise can spare others the grief and misery that comes from interacting with controlling and manipulative people. Sometimes this sort of disruption can last for an extended period of time. If the person […] Read More

1992: Abductees

At the 1992 MIT Conference on abductions, Mark Rodeghier proposed the following definition of abductees: To qualify as an abductee, a person must be taken against his or her will, from terrestrial surroundings, by non-human beings. These beings must take a person to an enclosed place, non-terrestrial in appearance, that is assumed or known to be a spacecraft by the witness. In this place, the person must either be subjected to a physical examination, engaged in communication, verbal or telepathic, or both. These experiences may be remembered consciously or through methods of focused concentration, such as hypnosis. Source: C.D.B. Bryan, Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind.