The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien Abduction: An Analysis

At this point, I suspect that the reader has been pretty overwhelmed with all this depressing information! But, that is neither the purpose nor the point. The purpose and point is to bring sufficient knowledge of man’s true estate so that solutions can be found for dealing with the same. As the Cassiopaeans once remarked to me when I protested that I did not LIKE to hear “ugly” things: A: We suppose if we told you “Laura, a great big rock is about to fall on your head,” then you would say: “okay, now moving right along, about the Emerald tablets…” Q: (Laura) Okay. You have my undivided attention. A: Great potential dangers lurk… Q: (Laura) So this really is like the grail hunt. […] Read More

The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien Abduction 6

Q: (L) How is it that other-dimensional or density beings enter our density? A: This is complex, but best described as “EM wave bursts along with frequency border variation.” Q: (L) Is there some way to stop this? A: You do not yet completely understand all the “mechanics” of the window phenomenon. The physicality is entirely transitory and partially dependent upon consciousness variabilities, as well as expectations of witnesses. Q: (L) Does the energy of the fear of the witness enable the alien to continue its operation in 3rd density? Does it feed on the excitement and fear, and is that what makes it manifest? A: Close, but off a little. It is the other way around and retro-factored by one half. Q: (L) […] Read More

The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien Abduction 5a

Q: (L) Is the amnesia related to UFO abductions deliberately induced or is it a product of the mind’s inability to deal with the event? A: It is an equal commingling of both. Q: (L) The part that is deliberately induced, how is that accomplished? A: By using a cosmic energy flow to influence memory function through a combination of spiritual and chemical interaction. Q: (L) Can you be more specific? A: Being more specific would be in another way less specific, but a good way to put it is altering the flow of electromagnetic energy in the brain. Electromagnetic energy, electromagnetism, is the life force that exists within all that evolves through long wave or short wave cycles. Q: (L) Now, I have […] Read More

The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects: Chapter 9

CHAPTER 9, THE NEW PROJECT GRUDGE: While I was in Lubbock, Lieutenant Henry Metscher, who was helping me on Project Grudge, had been sorting out the many bits and pieces of information that Lieutenant Jerry Cummings and Lieutenant Colonel Rosengarten had brought back from Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, and he had the answers. The UFO that the student radar operator had assumed to be traveling at a terrific speed because he couldn’t lock on to it turned out to be a 400-mile-an-hour conventional airplane. He’d just gotten fouled up on his procedures for putting the radar set on automatic tracking. The sighting by the two officers in the T-33 jet fell apart when Metscher showed how they’d seen a balloon. The second radar sighting […] Read More