The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien Abduction 3a

Before we get into the abduction process, there is a particular technology of 4th density that needs to be understood and that is Transdimensional Remoleculariztion. This is a term introduced to us by the Cassiopaeans in 1994 as a result of our questions about the creation of mankind. Q: (L) You said something the other night when we lost the tape about the expansion of the star being conducive to creation. Could you give us a little bit on that aspect? A: Transdimensional atomic remolecularization. Q: (L) What is remolecularization. A: Being reassembled. Q: (L) Reassembled from what to what? A: Mode of 4th density assembly into 3rd density. It is a form of “density collision.” Q: (L) Does this mean that this was […] Read More

The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien Abduction 1a

Including M. I. B. aka Reptoids & other Bizarre Relations In order to understand the Cassiopaean information on the process of alien abductions, it is necessary to have a little bit of background in the subject of dimensions and densities. This is a subject fraught with confusion in the present time due to the conflict between concepts which amounts to a matter of semantics. The general public has a conception of “dimension” that is not the same as the mathematical models constructed by physicists and mathematicians and, as a result, when the subject is approached in a serious way, most of those in the scientific community become frustrated and “toss the baby out with the bathwater.” The Cassiopaean meaning of “dimensions” is closer to […] Read More

The Sleeping Beauty Project

THINK ABOUTIT PROJECT/GROUP SUMMARY Project/Group Name: The Sleeping Beauty Project  Mission: Its purpose was to examine the possibility of using electromagnetics to disrupt the functioning of the human nervous system. They explored a list of what seemed to be foolishly impossible notions; but in fact, are nearing technical reality. Date Started: Reagan Administration Ended: Who or Whom Started It: DIA project Part of what Government Agency: ? Location: Special Features/Characteristics: Source: Summary/Description: Full Report Operation Sleeping Beauty During the Reagan Administration, a top-secret project Operation Sleeping Beauty was initiated. Its purpose was to examine the possibility of using electromagnetics to disrupt the functioning of the human nervous system. They explored a list of what seemed to be foolishly impossible notions; but in fact, are […] Read More