1969: ALIEN ABDUCTION: Stardate: 17th Century

-or- The Four Ambassadors of the Sylphs “The famous Kabbalist Zedequias, in the reign of your Pepin, took it into his head to convince the world that the Elements are inhabited by those peoples whose natures I have just described to you. The expedient of which he bethought himself was to advise the Sylphs to show themselves in the Air to everybody:  They did so sumptuously. These beings were seen in the Air in human form, sometimes in battle array marching in good order, halting under arms, or encamped beneath magnificent tents. Sometimes on wonderfully constructed aerial ships [“flying saucers” -B:.B:.], whose flying squadrons roved at the will of the Zephyrs. “What happened? Do you suppose that ignorant age would so much as reason as to the […] Read More