UFOs SUB ROSA* DOWN UNDER THE AUSTRALIAN MILITARY & GOVERNMENT ROLE IN THE UFO CONTROVERSY By Bill Chalker copyright ©1996 Part Two THE “SEA FURY” ENCOUNTER One of the most controversial radar visual reports of the fifties occurred on August 31st, 1954. The story leaked out in December, 1954, and made front page headlines. The official navy file on the event remained classified until the Directorate of Naval Intelligence released a copy upon my request in 1982. During his 1973 visit to Australia, Dr. Hynek was able to interview the pilot involved in this famous incident, which became known as the “Sea Fury” encounter. Dr. Hynek made his notes on this interview available to me during my 1984 visit to the Chicago headquarters of his organization, the Center […] Read More

2005: UFO sighting terrified locals 40 years ago

By Bonnie Meroth news@seacoastonline.com EXETER – Engulfed in the blackness of a late summer night, a teenage Navy recruit walked down the quiet country highway. Suddenly, a huge object loomed above him. Throwing himself to the ground to avoid being hit, he huddled against a stone wall. The blood drained from his face. The time was around 2 a.m. The date was Sept. 3, 1965. Thus began the “Incident at Exeter,” a series of sightings officially qualified as a legitimate visit from an unidentified flying object. In September and October 1965, several sightings in New Hampshire were carefully investigated and documented by local and federal offices. The encounters that night took special precedence over other UFO sightings because of the credibility of Exeter police […] Read More


[The is only one of many files which I intend to upload that substantiate the information contained in my MAJIC. TXT. – Bill Cooper] A series of PROJECT GRUDGE/BLUE BOOK reports have been released over the years in connection with the USAF’s investigation into UFO’s which was supposedly terminated with the release of the Condon report in the late 1960s. Reports 1 through twelve of GRUDGE/BLUE BOOK were generally innocuous and contained no classified or truly sensitive material. There was a final report, #14 which was widely circulated and about which an entire book was written: FLYING SAUCERS: AN ANALYSIS OF THE AIR FORCE PROJECT BLUE BOOK SPECIAL REPORT NO. 14 by Leon Davidson: the fifth edition was published in 1976 by Blue-Book Publishers; […] Read More

Full text Of: Executive Briefing: Project Aquarius

This article about the “Carter Document” has been edited several times by both Robert M. Collins and “ORTK Editor”. This article is a somewhat pre-sequel to the “Yellow Book” article I placed a few days ago. That article had references to this one. This piece has been provided by Robert M. Collins. All text edited by him is copyrighted by him. FULL TEXT OF “EXECUTIVE BRIEFING: PROJECT AQUARIUS” [ ORTK Editor’s Note: The following transcript of an alleged MJ-12 briefing provided to then-President Jimmy Carter has been provided by researcher Lee Graham, a recipient of the document. Graham states that he received the document on June 13, 1991, from researcher William Moore, with the permission of a Defense Intelligence Agency official code-named “Falcon,” a member […] Read More

Project Bluebook Unknowns – Contents

This information is presented for your perusal and is a continuation of my policy of informing the public what is currently available. The content of this information does NOT necessarily reflect the personal views of the poster, nor should the views, opinions, statements or claims represented in the following be accepted by anyone reading these texts at *face* value. If this interests you, please endeavor to research it yourself and investigate it to *your* satisfaction, and as such I will leave it in your hands to either prove it or de-bunk it 🙂 The following files (6) are from the work of Don Berliner, who compiled a listing of the Project Bluebook “Unknowns“. CONTENTS Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five […] Read More

The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects: Chapter 13

CHAPTER 13, HOAX OR HORROR?: To the military and the public who weren’t intimately associated with the higher levels of Air Force Intelligence during the summer of 1952 – and few were – General Samford’s press conference seemed to indicate the peak in official interest in flying saucers. It did take the pressure off Project Blue Book – reports dropped from fifty per day to ten a day inside of a week – but behind the scenes the press conference was only the signal for an all out drive to find out more about the UFO. Work on the special cameras continued on a high priority basis, and General Samford directed us to enlist the aid of top ranking scientists. During the past four […] Read More

The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects: Chapter 11

CHAPTER 11, THE BIG FLAP: In early June 1952, Project Blue Book was operating according to the operational plan that had been set up in January 1952. It had taken six months to put the plan into effect, and to a person who has never been indoctrinated into the ways of the military, this may seem like a long time. But consult your nearest government worker and you’ll find that it was about par for the red tape course. We had learned early in the project that about 60 per cent of the reported UFO’s were actually balloons, airplanes, or astronomical bodies viewed under unusual conditions, so our operational plan was set up to quickly weed out this type of report. This would give […] Read More

The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects: Chapter 10

CHAPTER 10, PROJECT BLUE BOOK AND THE BIG BUILD UP: Just twenty minutes after midnight on January 22, 1952, nineteen and a half hours after the Navy lieutenant commander had chased the UFO near Mitchel AFB, another incident involving an airplane and something unknown was developing in Alaska. In contrast with the unusually balmy weather in New York, the temperature in Alaska that night, according to the detailed account of the incident we received at ATIC, was a miserable 47 degrees below zero. The action was unfolding at one of our northern-most radar outposts in Alaska. This outpost was similar to those you may have seen in pictures, a collection of low, sprawling buildings grouped around the observatory like domes that house the antennae […] Read More

The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects: Chapter 6

The presses roll – the Air Force shrugs: The Grudge Report was supposedly not for general distribution. A few copies were sent to the Air Force Press Desk in the Pentagon and reporters and writers could come in and read it. But a good many copies did get into circulation. The Air Force Press Room wasn’t the best place to sit and study a 600 page report, and a quick glance at the report showed that it required some study – if no more than to find out what the authors were trying to prove – so several dozen copies got into circulation. I know that these “liberated” copies of the Grudge Report had been thoroughly studied because nearly every writer who came to […] Read More

The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects: Chapter 2

CHAPTER 2: THE ERA OF CONFUSION BEGINS: On September 23, 1947, the chief of the Air Technical Intelligence Center, one of the Air Force’s most highly specialized intelligence units, sent a letter to the Commanding General of the then Army Air Forces. The letter was in answer to the Commanding General’s verbal request to make a preliminary study of the reports of unidentified flying objects. The letter said that after a preliminary study of UFO reports, ATIC concluded that, to quote from the letter, “the reported phenomena were real.” The letter strongly urged that a permanent Project be established at ATIC to investigate and analyze future UFO reports. It requested a priority for the Project, a registered code name, and an over-all security classification. […] Read More

The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects: Chapter 17

What Are UFO’s? While the scientists were in Washington, D.C., pondering over the UFO, the UFO’s weren’t just sitting idly by waiting to find out what they were – they were out doing a little “lobbying” for the cause – keeping the interest stirred up. And they were doing a good job, too. It was just a few minutes before midnight on January 28, 1953, when a message flashed into Wright-Patterson for Project Blue Book. It was sent “Operational Immediate,” so it had priority handling; I was reading it by 12:30 A.M.. A pilot had chased a UFO. The report didn’t have many details but it did sound good. It gave the pilot’s name and said that he could be reached at Moody AFB. […] Read More

The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects: Chapter 16

CHAPTER 16, THE HIERARCHY PONDERS: By early January 1953 the scientists who were to be members of our panel of experts had been contacted and had agreed to sit in judgment of the UFO. In turn, we agreed to give them every detail about the UFO. We had our best reports for them to read, and we were going to show them the two movies that some intelligence officers considered as the “positive proof” – the Tremonton Movie and the Montana Movie. When this high court convened on the morning of January 12, the first thing it received was its orders; one of three verdicts would be acceptable: 1. All UFO reports are explainable as known objects or natural phenomena; therefore the investigation should […] Read More

The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects: Chapter 15

CHAPTER 15, THE RADIATION STORY The idea for gathering together a group of scientists, to whom we referred as our “panel of experts,” had been conceived early in 1952 – as soon as serious talk about the possibility that the UFO’s might be interplanetary spaceships had taken hold in both military and scientific circles. In fact, when Project Grudge was reorganized in the summer of 1951 the idea had been mentioned, and this was the main reason that our charter had said we were to be only a fact finding group. The people on previous UFO projects had gone off on tangents of speculation about the identity of the UFO’s; they first declared that they were spacecraft, then later, in a complete about face, […] Read More

The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects: Chapter 1

This is the entire text of the book “The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects” by Edward J. Ruppelt, former head of the United States Air Force Project Blue Book. CONTENTS: CHAPTER ONE Project Blue Book and the UFO Story, 1 (This page) CHAPTER TWO The Era of Confusion Begins, 15 CHAPTER THREE The Classics, 29 CHAPTER FOUR Green Fireballs, Project Twinkle, Little Lights, and Grudge, 47 CHAPTER FIVE The Dark Ages, 59 CHAPTER SIX The Presses Roll-The Air Force Shrugs, 69 CHAPTER SEVEN The Pentagon Rumbles, 82 CHAPTER EIGHT The Lubbock Lights, Unabridged, 96 CHAPTER NINE The New Project Grudge, 111 CHAPTER TEN Project Blue Book and the Big Build-Up, 123 CHAPTER ELEVEN The Big Flap, 139 CHAPTER TWELVE The Washington Merry-Go-Round, 156 CHAPTER […] Read More