1950-1969: Project Magnet

Project Magnet was the name of a Canadian research project, government-funded, from 1950-1969, to investigate the possible correlation between the earth’s magnetic field and the propulsion mechanism used in UFO’s. Started by Dr. Wilbert Smith. Results are still ‘Top Secret.’ PROJECT MAGNET CANADIAN SCIENTISTS CONTACT VENUS Government Secret Project In January 1972, the Department of Interplanetary Affairs was created, to research into the scientific investigation of UFOs and attempt to contact UFO occupants if possible. Extensive files on reports of UFO landings, sightings, and contacts in Hawaii were soon accumulated, and it was discovered that many UFO researchers desired our reports. We began to trade data and were amazed when former officials of a secret government or military intelligence agencies came to our office […] Read More

1950: Project: MAGNET Updated

Newly added memorandum by Wilbert B. Smith follows this article at bottom of page  (Courtesy of the Disclosure Project) In 1950 the Canadian government authorized a short-lived program designed to study UFOs.  Here is the program’s report by Wilbert B. Smith, Engineer-in-Charge, Project Magnet. During the past five years, there has been accumulating in the files of the United States Air Force, Royal Canadian Air Force, Department of Transport, and various other agencies, an impressive number of reports on sightings of unidentified flying objects popularly known as “Flying Saucers“.  These files contain reports by creditable people on things which they have seen in the sky, tracked on radar, or photographed.  They are reports made in good faith by normal, honest people, and there is […] Read More