Did A UFO Just Take Down Russia’s Proton Rocket? Was It A Missile? Fascinating Video Footage

A Russian Proton-M rocket with a very advanced satellite on board crashed not far from Kazakhstan’s territory on Friday. It was only in the air for about nine minutes before it crashed out -or was it taken down? If it made to its final destination, the Express-AM4R would have been Russia’s most advanced and powerful satellite to date. Why did the rocket crash? This is currently unknown but already many theories are popping up. So far the head of the Russian national space agency Roscosmos has said: “The exact cause is hard to establish immediately, we will be studying the telemetry. Preliminary information points to an emergency pressure drop in a steering engine of the third stage of the rocket.” What I find interesting […] Read More

2006: Ancient Russian Manuscript Describes 19th Century UFO Sightings

Photo from www.kp.ru Created: 07.02.2006 16:50 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 16:55 MSK MosNews Nowadays reports of UFO sightings appear in the media so frequently that they hardly catch anyone’s eye. More often than not the alleged UFOs turn out to be signal rockets, meteorological probes, airplanes or their traces. But this certainly does not apply to sightings registered centuries ago — when no rockets or airplanes existed at all. Moscow daily Komsomolskaya Pravda publishes a document from a personal archive that tells of a UFO spotted over Kremlin back in 1808. “I found this document in the personal archive of a Moscow senator Peter Poludensky, who worked for the Tsar’s Secret Service and died in the middle of XIX century. Apparently the manuscript attracted […] Read More

1998: Journalist flies in MiG over the Nellis Range

01-31-98 From: Mark Farmer After making a real pain of myself and as a finishing flourish to my over-gestated “Nellis: Story of a Superbase/Jewels of the Nellis Range” features for Jane’s Defense Weekly, my big, bald self penetrated deeply into the Range Complex to completely survey and photograph all installations and observe Red Flag operations… in the backseat of a USAF F-16D! With Col. T-Bone Rake, Commanding Officer of the 414th CTS “Aggressors” (probably the best fighter pilots in the world and the only ones to wear the Red Star, Hammer and Sickle), at the stick, we blasted off to the north of Nellis along the western side of the Range (call sign MiG-5). A group of French Mirage 2000Ns were supposed to join […] Read More

The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects: Chapter 3

CHAPTER 3, THE CLASSICS: With the Soviets practically eliminated as a UFO source, the idea of interplanetary spaceships was becoming more popular. During 1948 the people in ATIC were openly discussing the possibility of interplanetary visitors without others tapping their heads and looking smug. During 1948 the novelty of UFO’s had worn off for the Press and every John and Jane Doe who saw one didn’t make the front pages as in 1947. Editors were becoming hardened, only a few of the best reports got any space. Only the “Classics” rated headlines. “The Classics” were three historic reports that were the highlights of 1948. They are called “The Classics,” a name given them by the Project Blue Book staff, because: (1) they are classic […] Read More

Russian military spooked by UFO

Gubernia TV UFO news coverage A news report broadcast by Gubernia TV in Russia about a multiple-witness sighting of a large UFO—posted on YouTube on May 12—has elicited considerable attention in several ufological news forums, particularly in Italy, but little else in the Western mainstream media. The case occurred in the village of Lesopilniy in the Khabarovsk region in Russia’s Far East and it involved dozens of witnesses, including soldiers at a military base nearby who fired artillery shells at the UFO without harming it. The case seems highly interesting, although at this point we are still unable to verify much of the information beyond what was broadcast by Gubernia TV. According to the website OstaMyy.Com, which covers TV and Radio Channels in Russia, […] Read More