1996: The Ultimate Secret – fact or fiction: The Australian Connection

by Bill Chalker (Copyright © B. Chalker – 1996) This article expands on some material that appears in the book The OZ Files – the Australian UFO Story. The author can be contacted at: P.O. Box W 42, West Pennant Hills, NSW, 2125, Australia by phone on Sydney 9484 4680 or via email: bchalker@ozemail.com.au The UFO “cover-up” argument sustains an extraordinary controversy. At its heart is the quest for proof of the Ultimate Secret. The Ultimate Secret purports to be this: UFOs are real. They are extra-terrestrial in origin. The extra-terrestrials (or ETs) are already visiting us. Some of their craft have crashed and been retrieved into military custody. In some cases, open contact has taken place, in a covert setting – a form […] Read More