1987: An Open Letter to the UFO Community

by Gary Kinder, author of Light Years March 6, 1987 I have received so many phone calls and letters (and copies of letters sent to others) about the forthcoming LIGHT YEARS, it seems appropriate for me to write a letter of explanation. Had I not been involved with the arrival of a new daughter two weeks ago, I would have written this letter much sooner. I know that many of you were confused to hear I was writing a book on Meier; I also know that most of you will understand when I offer a proper explanation. Here it is. Though no one in the UFO community has seen the manuscript for LIGHT YEARS, much of the vehemence over its publication seems to arise […] Read More

1940s: The Hefferlin Manuscript

Typewritten and handwritten copies of these manuscripts have been in circulation since the Hefferlins, began releasing them from Livingston, Montana in the late 1940s. At the time the Hefferlins first heard of Rainbow City in the Antarctic, sometime in 1940 according to them, the information was so fantastic as to be beyond belief. It is still unbelievable to most people that there in the frozen wastes lies a great city, comfortably warm, full of scientific marvels from some great, hitherto unknown civilization of the past. Nevertheless, they were convinced the information was true and cautiously released it a little at a time to the few they found understanding and receptive. Hefferlin claims he designed a flyable, circle-winged plane before Frying Saucers became news in […] Read More