1998: The R and J Monument Gifts of Two UFOs

LETTER CONTAINING BACKGROUND INFORMATION From Jack to Scott Eldridge, professional psychic 11/3/98: A psychic coworker named Roger and I have been involved over the past couple of weeks in apparently thwarting a planned takeover of the earth by a reptilian race called the Anunnaki whose home planet is Niburu in the Sirius star system. This race has had designs on the earth for eons because it has an almost circular orbit and is constantly bathed by our relatively near sun, in contrast to Niburu which is more distant from their their sun and is much darker and colder. So as a result of this, there is another 4th density monument going up in the 5-acre field behind my house which doesn’t even belong to […] Read More

UFO’s, Close Encounters of the Positive Kind

Lecture by Jananda (Jananda@sedona.net) Greetings. I will talk a little bit about my first contact with the space people. For me it was not at all a fearful experience, not at all. A group of people were sitting in a meditation. As we were sitting there meditating, a wonderful light appeared right next to my chair, and the right side of my body started burning. It was actually like I was on fire. I could not see any form, just the light. And this light said to me, “I am the light of the world. Please follow me.” I almost got a shock! A voice came out of this light. I always like to make a joke, so I said to this light, “Well, […] Read More

Project Krispa

Material published on the Serpo site in August 2006 mentions a Project KRISPA. It allegedly is a highly classified project that is taking alien technology and developing civilian applications. Not much else is known. No other sources mention this name.