1989: Russian Roswell?

Nikolay Subbotin, Emil Bachurin. On September 16, 1989, in the sky above a port the Zaostrovka, on the fringe of Perm, occurred something strange. Many inhabitants, open mouths, watched the unprecedented battle. Six strange silvery devices reminding combined together plates, coursed behind seventh darker. Even on a background of evening clouds, it was possible to distinguish that six plates were of dark grey color and seventh which turned as mad, leaving from under fire of the persecutors had a bright – golden shade. The picture reminded the next series Luckas “Star Wars “. The plates carrying out figures a maximum pilot age were carried above a port carrying out inconceivable evolutions that being reduced before shaving flight that sharply rising a sky up to […] Read More

1996: The Ultimate Secret – fact or fiction: The Australian Connection

by Bill Chalker (Copyright © B. Chalker – 1996) This article expands on some material that appears in the book The OZ Files – the Australian UFO Story. The author can be contacted at: P.O. Box W 42, West Pennant Hills, NSW, 2125, Australia by phone on Sydney 9484 4680 or via email: bchalker@ozemail.com.au The UFO “cover-up” argument sustains an extraordinary controversy. At its heart is the quest for proof of the Ultimate Secret. The Ultimate Secret purports to be this: UFOs are real. They are extra-terrestrial in origin. The extra-terrestrials (or ETs) are already visiting us. Some of their craft have crashed and been retrieved into military custody. In some cases, open contact has taken place, in a covert setting – a form […] Read More