Frequently Asked Questions

Hello and welcome to the THINK ABOUT IT Frequently Asked Questions posting. I tried to keep a neutral stance when I researched the many of the subjects covered in this FAQ; however, you may also notice that some of the material seem to be one-sided. When doing some of the research I may have only used one book or source, thus (as you may have noticed) some authors present information from only one point of view and this has a tendency to be carried over to this FAQ, do to the lack of information on the subject from another point of view. (deep huh?) Also, please when reading information from this FAQ (as one poster put it) take everything you read here with a very large grain of salt. (rock […] Read More

1998: PRESS RELEASE: Dozens of New Top-Secret Witnesses Identified

PRESS RELEASE: Dozens of New Top-Secret Witnesses Identified From: A.J. Craddock FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CSETI PROJECT STARLIGHT UPDATE PRESS RELEASE 6 April 1998 CSETI Headquarters, Asheville NC For Immediate Release and Distribution Dozens of New Top-Secret Government UFO Witnesses Identified One Year After CSETI DC Briefings One year after the CSETI (Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence) briefings for members of Congress, White House staff and other government and military leaders, dozens of new, top-secret government UFO witnesses have come forward. On April 9, 1997, CSETI convened extensive briefings for government and military leaders concerning the existence of UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence. Nearly 30 congressional offices were represented at the briefings, which were held at the Georgetown Westin Hotel in Washington DC. Since […] Read More

1961: Project OZMA

Ozma was the name the predecessor of SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) that in 1961 looked for intelligent extraterrestrial radio signals. When the first attempt, aimed at Tau Ceti already showed signs of intelligent life, the project was instantly shut down.

1997: Comprehensive Briefing Document / Project Starlight – Assessment Summary

Steven Green, M.D. / CSETI (Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence) April 1997 version 1.1 copyright 1997 CSETI CSETI COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT SUMMARY Recent worldwide trends of increasing extraterrestrial activity, coupled with significant advancement in CSETI research results, suggest that imminent extraterrestrial events and CSETI initiatives will soon overtake current government policy on this issue. It is recommended that governments worldwide review and change existing policy to one of increasing openness, disclosure and cooperation with civilian research teams. (See section IV on Strategies and Rationale for Changing Government Policy). Some UFOs are extraterrestrial spacecraft (ETS) which are piloted by extraterrestrial biological entities (EBEs) who originate on another planet, and most likely another star system. · More than one extraterrestrial civilization is represented in the […] Read More


BY STEVEN M. GREER, M.D. A comprehensive analysis of the UFO phenomenon, as well as original research and experiences of members of the CSETI CE-5 Initiative Working Group, has enabled us to make some specific conclusions about UFOs, Extraterrestrial Intelligence and their motives. The summation of this analysis, which follows, is intended to assist both groups and individuals in their efforts to understand this complex subject. We have recorded only those conclusions for which we have a high level of certainty. GENERAL CONCLUSIONS Some UFOs are extraterrestrial spacecraft (ETS) which are piloted by extraterrestrial biological entities (EBEs) who originate on another planet, and most likely another star system. More than one extraterrestrial civilization is represented in the current activities involving Earth. These extraterrestrial civilizations […] Read More

2013: Extraterrestrial reality, societal decline and collapse

by Ed Komarek One of the major stumbling blocks that I come across in regards to informing the government and mass media propagandized public on UFO issues is exemplified in a question I hear a lot from laypeople. The question is, “So what if extraterrestrials are real, what difference does it make if aliens exist? I don’t see how any of this is affecting or going to affect me for better or worse?” Questions like these are always in the back of my mind as I try to do my part in fighting for the people’s right to know the truth about extraterrestrial realities. In this article, I try to point out that UFO/ET reality is a significant contributing factor to global and national […] Read More

Project Krispa

Material published on the Serpo site in August 2006 mentions a Project KRISPA. It allegedly is a highly classified project that is taking alien technology and developing civilian applications. Not much else is known. No other sources mention this name.