1996: Demon Possession and Alien Abduction: Similarities of an Enigma

The following excerpt is from a work in progress, Demon Possession and Alien Abduction: Similarities of an Enigma, by R.G. Teets, copyright 1996, Headline Books, Inc. (TerraAlta@aol.com) I cannot unequivocally state that so-called demons or extraterrestrials are, in fact, objectively real. But as I continue to research subjects seemingly connected with the UFO phenomenon, it is apparent from a great number of percipients I’ve interviewed (and collateral research, as well) that the net effects of many, but certainly not all, of these interactions, be they with non-human intelligence or with other states of mind (i.e. consciousness and all of its various aberrations) appear to demonstrate many similarities between the UFO abduction experience and demonic/spirit possession. This is not to eliminate other possibilities (for a […] Read More

1998: Abductee Brianwashing?

by Donna Higbee, CHT Attitudes appear to be changing as many abductees who have been traumatized, physically abused and violated are now saying that their abductors have only spiritual and/or benevolent motives behind their actions. This growing new trend is a concern to a number of researchers and healthcare professionals who work with abductees. Many abductees who once reported tremendous fear of being taken repeatedly from their bedrooms and cars by non-human entities are now reporting being told by these entities that it was for their own good; that their fear was unwarranted and was simply a product of the abductee’s lack of understanding. In many cases, abductees who accept this explanation are also led to believe that technological advancement equals spiritual advancement. There […] Read More