2002: Gods from Outer Space?

Christy Taylor Summary: Have we been visited? Have extra-terrestrials influenced our history? If you look at mythology, it appears we have been visited! Almost all mythologies (Christian mythology included) mentions some sort of flying gods. Have we been visited? Have extra-terrestrials influenced our history? If you look at mythology, it appears we have been visited! Almost all mythologies (Christian mythology included) mentions some sort of flying gods. In the Algonquin myth (as told in J.F. Bierlein’s book “Parallel Myths”) a hunter, Algon comes upon a circle cut in the grass. Hiding in the bushes, he watches a great willow basket descend from the sky, and twelve beautiful maidens emerge. Doesn’t this description of a flying “basket” sound similar to modern reports of “flying saucers”? […] Read More