VOLUME 19   JUNE 14, 1955 This design study for a flying saucer fighter was prepared for LOOK by Thomas Turner, a 30-year-old British aeronautical engineer now employed by Republic Aviation Corp. A Canadian saucer project that may resemble it in some details has long been rumored. Turner points out that the design could be arrived at independently and is only one of several possible approaches to the construction of a saucer craft. Future airports built for vertically rising flying saucers would have no need for the long, vulnerable runways today’s fighters require. The complete operation could go underground. Tunnels with take-off shafts set into the ground, complete with maintenance bays, fuel and crew quarters, would be bombproof shelters for a saucer squadron. The shafts would be sealed after take-off for camouflage […] Read More

Project Starlight

THINK ABOUTIT PROJECT/GROUP SUMMARY Project/Group Name: Project Starlight Mission: Little is known about it, but it allegedly involves the study of space using alien technology. Date Started: Ended: Who or Whom Started It: ? Part of what Government Agency: ? Location: Special Features/Characteristics: Source: Serpo site Summary/Description: Full Report

2002: Project Orion

Material published on the Serpo site in August 2006 mentions a Project ORION. It allegedly is a fairly recent project that since 2002 tests alien propulsion systems at the Nevada Test Site. Other sources mention different names for such a program. See Pluto, Redlight, and Snowbird. It is possible, however, that Orion would be the more recent name. A similar program exists in Canada and is called Magnet. Project Orion also is the name of a program in France, developed by the French Ministry of Defense, for the purpose of monitoring, identifying and predicting the passage of satellites over French territory.

2012: Project Lotus

Well it was BS or it worked Mentioned by Dan Burisch, Project Lotus has to do with 2012 and with developing a model to utilize the miraculous Ganesh Particle to help prevent or at least soften the effects of the cataclysm of 2012 (a pole shift that could kill two-thirds of the population). The Ganesh particle was discovered by Burisch, and can allegedly be used to heal everything from earthly ecosystems to the human body, including cancer. A first test to use the Ganesh particle to heal the eco-system in a lagoon proved disastrous. A second attempt, in the Preserve Mother Project, allegedly was successful.