HEARINGS BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE AND ASTRONAUTICS U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NINETIETH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION JULY 29, 1968 [No. 7] Printed for the use of the Committee on Science and Astronautics U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1968   COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE AND ASTRONAUTICS GEORGE P. MILLER, California, Chairman     OLIN E. TEAGUE, Texas                                                   JAMES G. FULTON, Pennsylvania JOSEPH E. KARTH, Minnesota                                                       CHARLES A. MOSHER, Ohio KEN HECHLER, West Virginia                                                       RICHARD L. ROUDERBUSH, Indiana EMILIO Q. DADDARIO, Connecticut                                           ALPHONZO BELL, California J. EDWARD ROUSH, Indiana                                                          THOMAS M. PELLY, Washington JOHN W. DAVIS, Georgia                                                                DONALD RUMSFELD, Illinois WILLIAM F. RYAN, New York                                                        EDWARD J. GURNEY, Florida THOMAS N. DOWNING, Virginia                                  JOHN W. WYDLER, New York JOE D. WAGGONNER, JR., Louisiana                                           GUY VANDER JAGT, Michigan DON FUQUA, Florida                                                                        […] Read More

Was There a “Roswell” in 1865?

by W. Ritchie Benedict FATE Magazine Reprinted by permission When I started researching back issues of Canadian newspapers on microfilm I didn’t expect to discover anything out of the ordinary. However, I found much more than I bargained for. I had agreed to undertake the research task for well-known Toronto author John Robert Colombo, who has published a number of popular books on the paranormal (Mysterious Canada, UFOs Over Canada, Dark Visions, and Mysterious Encounters). I began searching through old newspapers and I found them to be rich with unusual material, which made the task both fascinating and addictive. There are literally hundreds of references to everything from ghosts to lake monsters to spontaneous human combustion. One afternoon, I stumbled upon an article that […] Read More

1998: Alien Artifacts

A Real Alien? This picture was taken from a frame of a video called “UFOs: Fifty Years of Denial” © 1998 produced by Quick FOX Production, James Fox, Executive Producer (not associated with the FOX News Network). FOX Production said that the “alien” picture was dated circa 1952 and wouldn’t give anymore details.Note the apparent bruising on the face and the knot running diagonally up along the thin neck (like its head was twisted more that 90 degrees then brought back). Is this evidence of crash injuries? It appears that the EBE was erected upright for this picture, you can also make out what looks like rags or packing material is just behind it. Another striking feature is what appears to be a tight […] Read More

1981: Transcript of Bergstrom AFB: Interview of Betty Cash, Vickie & Colby Landrum

TRANSCRIPT OF BERGSTROM AFB INTERVIEW OF BETTY CASH, VICKIE & COLBY LANDRUM August 1981 Part 1 of 2 TRANSCRIPT of a taped interview held at Bergstrom Air Force Base Law Library Building 2102, 17 August 1981, between Betty Cash, Vicki Landrum, Colby Landrum and representatives of the United States Air Force in the persons of Captain John Camp, Acting Staff Judge Advocate, Captain Terry Davis, Claims Officer, and Miss Pat Wolf, Assistant Claims Officer.  COMMENT by CUFONSM SYSOP We are very lucky to have been provided a copy of this tape by Betty Cash herself. The Cash – Landrum case is undisputedly one of the classic UFO sighting/physical trace cases.  It assumes great importance because of the traces left behind by the unknown object in […] Read More

1998: Alien Implant Removals: Five Abductees Discuss Before and After Effects

By Eve Frances Lorgen, M. A. Several years after the surgical removal of their alleged alien implants, five individuals courageously accepted to take part in an interview to discuss their “before and after effects”. All persons, one male and four females, shared one thing in common: UFO encounters and contact with non-human alien beings. Dr. Roger Leir, a podiatrist from Thousand Oaks, California, founder of FIRST (Fund for Interactive Research and Space Technology) and Derrel Sims, C.Ht., R.H.A., a certified hypnotherapist , co-founder of FIRST and experienced UFO Investigator of over 27 year, orchestrated the successful surgeries with a team of competent medical professionals and volunteers. The first set of “implant” surgeries took place on August 19, 1995 at Dr. Roger Leir’s podiatry clinic […] Read More

2007: Interview with Karla Turner, Ph.D. 1

CF: You are widely regarded as one of the leading experts in the field of UFO and “alien-abduction” research. How did you get started in your study of these things? KT: Our family knew nothing about the phenomenon when we started having UFO sightings and abduction encounters. Being a researcher, I turned to the UFO literature for an explanation. When I absorbed what was available, I found no answers that I felt were trustworthy. I decided that this was a crucial situation for my family (if not globally), and the only way I could get answers was to do the research myself. The only way to do the research, in this case, was to go out into the field and deal with abduction cases. […] Read More