TWO WOMEN EXPERIENCE A UFO AND TIME GOING BACKWARD Reference:  http://www.abduct.com/contact/c03.htm UFO reports of time going backwards are so rare they are not known or even discussed in books or magazines.  Alien Abduction Experience and Research (AAER) is pleased to have interviewed these witnesses and their remarkable experience with a UFO and time going backwards. The following UFO sighting occurred at 12:20 a.m. Sunday, October 5, 1997, in Michigan.  The weather was unusually balmy and in the 60’s and the sky was clear.  The two neighbors did not realize their odd events of the night before were connected by a UFO.  Here’s how it began. CAROLYN’S STORY Carolyn and her husband went to the movie theater to see the 10:15 p.m. showing of the […] Read More