2014: ALIEN ABDUCTIONS: A Medical Hypothesis – "Accidental Awareness" Of A Recovered Traumatic Memory Or Kidnapping By Extraterrestrial Entities?!

November 30, 2014 –  ALIEN ABDUCTION PHENOMENA- “So then they roll me over on my back, and the examiner has a long needle in his hand. And I see the needle. And it’s bigger than any needle that I’ve ever seen.” So testifies Betty Hill, of her experience inside a flying saucer near Franconia Notch, New Hampshire, in 1961. Betty and her husband, Barney Hill, are the earliest known victims of alien abduction, and the 1966 bestseller The Interrupted Journey describes how they recalled the event under hypnosis. Their story includes nude medical exams and invasive probing—an alien abduction scenario many of us recognize from the TV shows and movies of the past 50 years. But in 2008 a Columbia University psychoanalyst published “Alien […] Read More