BILL HAMILTON ON DULCE UNDERGROUND ALIEN BASE Bill Hamilton did OT 3 in Scientology about 1970 and he’s been expelled. A few years ago Bill Robertson took him the very first Sector 9 issues, so his viewpoint is more from a planetary and intergalactic scenario. Hamilton summarizes everything that he found out as follows: The Dulce New Mexico underground base has UFOs seen in the area every night. Cattle have been mutilated, cut with a laser knife. This information comes from people working at the base, who were kidnapped or abducted and taken there and then released. Also, people who helped to construct it and people who were working with the intelligence community there. The facility is a bio-genetics lab and is connected to […] Read More

Orion Technology & other Secret Projects 2/3

What is the real story behind Wilhelm Reich? Most people are familiar with Reichs brilliant work with bions, weather modification, cancer biopathy and other devices. Reichs work has been of interest to the National security Agency for some time, and it involves the fact that when a person is electronically maintained in a pre-orgastic state in their nervous system, gateways unto the mind open up for mind control to take hold. It is his most secret work as far as applications are involved. Reichs contact with alien species, his discoveries about life energy and cancer, and the mind control applications are some of the reasons why he was killed. This knowledge was combined with other knowledge, some of it alien in nature, and integrated […] Read More