originally by Nick Humphries, February 1994.  Last updated by THINK ABOUT IT, JANUARY 2000. Adamski, George AFOSI Anomaly (AN Rating) APRO Area-51 Arnold, Kenneth Bennewitz, Paul Black Projects BUFORA Cash/Landrum Case Cattle Mutilations Close Encounter (CE Rating) Collins, Robert Condon Report Condor Cooper, Milton William CUFOS Dark Side Hypothesis Daylight Disk Disinformation Doty, Richard Dreamland EBD ET ET Exposure Law Falcon Fire in the Sky Fly-By (FB Rating) Flying Saucer Flying Saucer Review FOIA Foo Fighters Ghost Rockets Good, Timothy Greys, The Gulf Breeze Sightings Hill Abduction Case Hynek Classification System Hypnotic Regression International UFO Reporter (IUR) Journal of UFO Studies (JUFOS) Just Cause Lazar, Robert Scott Lear, John Manoeuvre (MA Rating) Majestic Men In Black (MIBs) Missing Time MJ-12 Moore, William MUFON Nocturnal […] Read More

2010: Operation TANGO-SIERRA – Humanoid Infiltration

THINK ABOUTIT PROJECT/GROUP SUMMARY Project/Group Name: Operation TANGO-SIERRA Mission:  It involved U.S. intelligence capturing an alien being living among us. Date Started: early 1980. Ended: lasted nine months Who or Whom Started It: involved approximately 60 intelligence officers. Every intelligence gathering capability was utilized at the time: Ground, aerial surveillance, telephone wiretaps, photographic evidence, and other undisclosed clandestine operations were all conducted and some simultaneously in concert with one another Part of what Government Agency: U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) and other U.S. government agencies have been involved in security activities involving human-appearing extraterrestrial beings in the U.S. Location: D.C area. Special Features/Characteristics:   Source: Summary/Description: Full Report American Chronicle and Joint Recon Study Group – According to accounts released […] Read More