1998: Government Files on Alien Abductees?

Over the years, I have heard more than a few stories suggesting that agencies of various governments – including the UK and the US – have extensive background files on alien-abductees. Such a thing is not as far out as the skeptics might think. After all, back in the 1950s, the FBI opened files on numerous and well-known figures in the UFO Contactee field. Under Freedom of Information legislation, I obtained the FBI’s files on such Contactees as Dr. Frank Stranges, George Van Tassel, Truman Bethurum, George Adamski, and George Hunt Williamson. I also have the British Police Force’s Special Branch files on George King and The Aetherius Society. Granted, the primary reason why the Contactees were watched was not because of their UFO […] Read More

Who’s Behind The UFO Phenomenon?

Alain Kerizo Artist’s sketch of an alien allegedly responsible for an alien abduction in New Hampshire (1961) Introduction The UFO phenomenon has been going on since antiquity, accounts of apparitions similar to the ones reported in the 20th century being found in the holy books of the various pagan religions. Interestingly, a significant lapse in the record of these events through history occurred during the ages of Faith, only to resume with the Protestant revolt. In our times, the literature on UFO’s has stacked up, and has gone beyond mere description of events. Authors writing from an atheistic or gnostic point of view have used the phenomenon to call into question Christianity, some going so far as to say that “all the religious manifestations […] Read More

2015: Professionals Can’t Get Clear Photos of UFOs Either

One of the most common complaints heard by those of us who write about UFOs is that the photographs and videos are so blurry and out-of-focus. If only a professional photographer with expensive equipment, high-powered lenses, a steady hand, and an eye for details would see a UFO … Keep wishing. Two professionals spotted UFOs on the same day this month and the results are the same as those taken by every other amateur photographer with a cheap cell phone. Richard Emblin describes himself as the Director and Editor-in-chief of Colombia’s English language newspaper, The City Paper, and a former photojournalist for the Black Star photo agency in New York whose work was published in TIME, Der Spiegel, The New York Times and other […] Read More

2014: Medellin is Becoming Attractive to UFOs

In the 1980s, Medellin, Colombia, developed a reputation as the most violent city in the world due to the drug cartel run by Pablo Escobar. The violence and crime began to drop almost immediately after Escobar was killed on December 2, 1993. Today, Medellin is the second-largest city in Colombia and has become a model city, attracting businesses, investors, and … UFOs. If 2014 is any indication, Medellin is fast developing into Earth’s beacon for extraterrestrial visitors. The latest sighting occurred on November 16th and a video of the UFO was uploaded to the Internet in early December. Some who watch the video think the object is a balloon or a blimp, possibly tethered to the ground and advertising an upcoming sports event. However, […] Read More

1995: An Alien Harvest

Evidence of Grey Origins and Reasons for Human Abduction Written and Compiled by Dragonbane Final Release (v2.5):8-6-1995 Please Direct any questions to by E-mail to webmaster@think-aboutit.com Among the mysteries of modern ufology is the origin of the entities known as the Greys. These small beings are the most commonly observed entities reported by abductees aboard an extraterrestrial craft and are believed to be the ones most responsible for human abductions. There are many things that we do know about the Greys, derived mostly from abductee reports, but there is far more that we do not yet know or understand. Using the evidence at hand, including a collective of abductee reports and stolen government files, it is now possible to make accurate estimates of several […] Read More

2002: UFOs: The Physical Evidence – Overwhelming – But As Elusive As Ever

Michael Jordan, Journal of Alternative Realities, Volume 10, Issue 1, 2002 Any scientific study of the UFO enigma seems inevitable to result in frustrating ambiguity and contradiction. Really worthwhile UFO reports are frequently characterized by high strangeness, evasiveness, resistance to scholarly investigation and a seemingly unavoidable, bewildering array of conclusions. Writer K. Phillips, in an essay on The Psycho-Sociology of Ufology, notes that in addition to this elusiveness, “it can be shown that the UFO phenomenon has a religious, historic and folkloric dimension, the implications of which are only just beginning to be appreciated by those who are willing to sift the evidence…. moreover, by inspection of the tens of thousands of reports from all over the world, it would seem that ¾ paradoxically […] Read More

UFOs – A Challenge to Mainstream Science

Patricia B. Corbett For the last half of the 20th century, the UFO phenomenon has perplexed both the public and the scientific community. At the beginning of the 21st century, the overwhelming majority of the American public–about 70%–believes that UFOs are real and that they most likely are guided by intelligent beings from other worlds or dimensions. The scientific advances and discoveries that have resulted from our own human space program have helped shape the views of the American public on UFOs and extraterrestrial life. The scientific community, however, remains uninterested in and scornfully dismissive of the question of the reality of UFOs and the possibility of intelligent extraterrestrial life visiting Earth. Yet, even as scientists and astronomers discover new planets and solar systems; […] Read More

Heretic Among Heretics: Jacques Vallee Interview

Conspire.com PART 1 Jacques Vallee hesitated before agreeing to be interviewed about the subject for which he’s most famous: UFOs. It’s not that he’s reluctant to discuss the topic or tussle with the skeptics. After all, he’s written close to a dozen books on UFOs, several of them best-sellers, analyzing a notoriously ethereal subject as a hard-headed physical scientist, folklorist, and sociologist. He believes there is more than enough solid evidence to make a compelling case for the existence of UFOs, and he doesn’t shy away from honest debate. It’s the hard-core believers who give Vallee pause. Anyone who has observed the semi-academic cockpit known as “UFOlogy” knows that close encounters of the UFO expert kind shed little light and much heat, dogma and […] Read More

1998: The UFO Phenomenon In History

Steven Mizrach Summary: The purpose of this essay is not to demonstrate the validity of the “ancient astronauts” school of thought. As that branch of UFOlogy has several flaws and is dependent on the ETH, I am not inclined to back up its presuppositions. What I am trying to demonstrate is that there have been encounters between UFOs and UFO entities throughout history, long before 1947. The purpose of this essay is not to demonstrate the validity of the “ancient astronauts” school of thought. As that branch of UFOlogy has several flaws and is dependent on the ETH, I am not inclined to back up its presuppositions. What I am trying to demonstrate is that there have been encounters between UFOs and UFO entities […] Read More