2017: Is the Dyad UFO “Scout Craft” a Real Lead?

UFOs(1) come in all shapes and sizes, though the flying saucer seems to be the favorite type, at least in popular culture. But one type of alleged alien craft that keeps cropping up in reports of sightings is something called the Dyad UFO “Scout Craft.” The Scout Craft Richard H. Hall describes(2) these crafts and how they are alleged to behave: “A striking pattern of reports has emerged describing what appears to be a standard model UFO, of intermediate size between the small possibly remote-controlled—discs and the often-reported 35-40 foot (10-12 meter) in diameter or large models.  Dating back to the 1950s, many witnesses have described discs (often Saturn-shaped) with transparent domes through which two small humanoid beings are visible. “Although size estimates vary, […] Read More

2015: Is this REALLY a cloud? Mysterious UFO pictures from ‘real X-files’ fan conspiracy flames

Is the picture above really a cloud? Honestly, that’s what the U.S. government wants you to believe. A new website is offering searchable access to the files of Project Blue Book – American UFO-hunters whose work has been described as ‘the real X-files’ and who dealt with thousands of pictures of extraterrestrial invaders throughout the 40s, 50s, and 60s. The blotchy images and files have been stored on microfilm – but include some truly weird images and accounts of events, such as the 1947 visitation which led to the term ‘flying saucer’ entering the language. There are also hundreds of unsolved mysteries – and others which are dismissed with not-exactly-convincing explanations, such as the idea that the 1951 New Zealand image above is a ‘lenticular […] Read More

2015: UFO sightings increasing in Queensland, Australia, say researchers (Photos)

UFO researchers say UFO sightings are increasing in the state of Queensland in Australia. Recent sightings have included photos and video. UFO Research Queensland President Sheryl Gottschall told the Brisbane Times there has been a spike in reports over the last few months. She says, “We get about 100 calls a year and across Australia all up the UFO research groups get up to 800. That’s just the reported sightings – a lot go unreported.” Another representative from the Queensland UFO group agrees. In a radio interview with 4BC, Tino Pezzimenti says, “Only about 5% of reports or sightings actually get reported, so you can imagine. We get a couple hundred a year. That’s only probably 5% of people that actually find their way […] Read More

Christopher Columbus, UFOs, & the Bermuda Triangle – Video

Several TV specials released between 2010-2012 about the Bermuda Triangle and UFOs tell stories of how Christopher Columbus encountered strange events that closely resemble modern reports of these bizarre phenomena. But did he? The most common claims made in these programs, articles, and books are: 1) Columbus and his men saw a bright, disc shaped object rise out of the ocean and fly into the sky, 2) They also, on a different occasion, saw what they interpreted as stars spinning in the sky above them… now assumed to be a historic UFO sighting,and 3) They also saw what was described as a candle-light floating up and down out at sea where there could not be a fire. Surprisingly, these events are indeed based on […] Read More

2014: ALIEN ABDUCTIONS: A Medical Hypothesis – "Accidental Awareness" Of A Recovered Traumatic Memory Or Kidnapping By Extraterrestrial Entities?!

November 30, 2014 –  ALIEN ABDUCTION PHENOMENA- “So then they roll me over on my back, and the examiner has a long needle in his hand. And I see the needle. And it’s bigger than any needle that I’ve ever seen.” So testifies Betty Hill, of her experience inside a flying saucer near Franconia Notch, New Hampshire, in 1961. Betty and her husband, Barney Hill, are the earliest known victims of alien abduction, and the 1966 bestseller The Interrupted Journey describes how they recalled the event under hypnosis. Their story includes nude medical exams and invasive probing—an alien abduction scenario many of us recognize from the TV shows and movies of the past 50 years. But in 2008 a Columbia University psychoanalyst published “Alien […] Read More