2015: The Magonia Problem

by David Halperin One day not long after the year 800, Agobard, archbishop of Lyon, found himself in exactly the right place to stop a lynching. Lucky thing for three men and one woman, who were said to have fallen from ships that sailed through the sky. Vis-à-vis the aerial ships, Agobard was what we’d now call a “debunker.” If he were alive today, he’d probably be in CSICOP. Or maybe not: the foundation of his skepticism was that the popular beliefs he devoted himself to debunking were contrary to Holy Scripture. But let Agobard tell the story: But we have seen and heard of many people overcome with so much foolishness, made crazy by so much stupidity, that they believe and say that […] Read More

2015: When Rod Serling and Jacques Vallee Made a UFO Film

I’d like to start today by briefly noting that there is a new interview with longtime fringe figure John Anthony West, 82, in New Dawn magazine. In it, West goes through his usual litany of fringe claims and his worship of occultist R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz and self-actualization mystic George Gurdjieff, but what is interesting is that both he and the interviewer all but concede that their interest in the ancient past and esoteric wisdom has less to do with finding the truth about prehistoric and early historic belief systems and more to do with their conviction that “Darwinism” is wrong, that capitalists and scientists are stripping life of its spiritual meaning, and that the wealthy elite is making life difficult for the […] Read More

Dr. J. Allen Hynek’s Major Contribution in the Field of Ufology

Skeptics and ufologists very rarely concede to one another or meet in the middle. However, when these two opposing sides do cross enemy lines, the greatest benefit would go to the UFO research. Allen Hynek was once a UFO skeptic but decided to classify the most promising and compelling scientific cases of alien encounters and UFO sightings. Hynek started to become less skeptic as he carefully examined and arranged several UFO/strange cases into categories. In fact, his research and knowledge led to the creation of the blockbuster movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind, which is hailed by many experts as one of the most exact portrayals of UFO/alien eyewitness accounts in a fictional film. While the eyewitness account of any event is usually […] Read More

1873: Did The London Times Publish A UFO Abduction Case In 1873?

In the subject of Ufology, an Abductee is someone who experiences (subjectively) real memories of having been yanked out of their beds or sleeping bags by little green grey men. The abductees are completely convinced of having experienced a traumatic abduction by alien entities. When studied under hypnosis, most abductees or Experiencers will describe terrifying scenes of invasive examination by these unearthly creatures. The patients have reported unfamiliar buzzing noises, weightlessness, cackling voices, and strange lights moments before an abduction. They’ve also reported sometimes seeing the Greys standing around their beds, while incomplete paralysis. An image that sends shivers down my spine. Of course, this is all subjective. However, in December of 1873, The London Times published a strange article about a couple who described similar […] Read More

2014: Alien Implants: A Closer Look Into One Aspect of Alien Abduction

Everything from the release of government documents, to high level testimonies from high ranking military and political figures has ignited a massive surge of interest in the UFO phenomenon from people all over the world. Unidentified Flying Objects (performing maneuvers that defy our understanding of physics) are now a confirmed reality. Official government documents prove that defence and government agencies have been examining this topic for a while. For example, you can view the UK’s latest release of files from June 2013 here. You can find at more information about that from CE by clicking here. As yourself, why is there such a high level of interest from government and military agencies? The question people are asking has changed from “do UFOs exist?” to […] Read More


Even Some MUFON Researchers See “Spiritual Warfare” [from Michael Lindemann’s CNI News] [The following text is excerpted from an article in Florida Today, dated August 17, 1997, written by Rita Elkins. CNI News thanks Stig Agermose for sending us this item. The full text can be found on the web at http://www.flatoday.com:80/space/today/081797b.htm] CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. – Religious leaders are alarmed about a growing train of thought that “wants us to reject traditional Judeo-Christian ideas about God” in favor of benign “Space Brothers” who will save humanity from itself, writes journalist William M. Alnor in his book, “UFOs in the New Age” (Baker, Grand Rapids, Mich.). Alnor concludes this new belief is a set-up for apocalyptic deceptions predicted in the Bible’s Book of Revelation. He’s […] Read More


UFOs SUB ROSA* DOWN UNDER THE AUSTRALIAN MILITARY & GOVERNMENT ROLE IN THE UFO CONTROVERSY By Bill Chalker copyright ©1996 Part Three THE CANTERBURY CLOSE ENCOUNTER The incident in Canterbury, a Sydney suburb, which Dr. Duggin looked into, received press coverage. “Sisters hysterical at sighting. WEIRD “SAUCER” OVER CANTERBURY” the Sydney Sun-Herald of March 8th, 1967 reported: “Two sisters described this week how they stood on a veranda together and watched a flying saucer hover over a Canterbury bowling green. They said the saucer was a “strange round thing” and it made a “weird humming sound.” “It came down to tree-top level and was less than 100 feet from where they stood. The woman who first made the sighting is Mrs. D. Manhood, of Wairoa […] Read More

1998: The Luciferian – Bavarian – Alien Collaboration in Prophecy

Date: Thu, 24 Dec 1998 12:51:58 -0800 (PST) From: Michael Barton Add to Address Book Subject: Nazi-UFO connection To: alandewalton@yahoo.com My name is Mike Barton. My research into Soviet strategy has led me to pull together many of of the same strands that you have examined, and place them into a biblical context. The rest of the email summarizes what I have been able to distill from the various disciplines involved. I do not believe that the UFO phenomenon is extraterrestrial in nature and I think that the “conflicting ” forces are unified at the highest levels in the chain of command. Evil appears to be a polydimensional unified force in which those at the highest levels of power in any dimension or organization […] Read More

2005: Project Beta and Underground Bases An Interview With Greg Bishop

Dateline: Tuesday, July 12, 2005 By: STUART MILLER By: Phenomena News Editor Phenomena News Editor, Stuart Miller, talks to Project Beta author Greg Bishop about how many of the cornerstones upon which today’s ufological lore are built had their origins in the fertile minds of military intelligence and the behind-the-scenes spook-brigade. SM: In our prior email correspondence, you commented about a slightly negative review of the book that had appeared on Amazon. GB: The guy gave it five stars but he said he didn’t know if any of it was true and that the premise of the book was that everything about UFOs was made up by the government. He either didn’t read the book or he read it with a preconception that he […] Read More

1991: The Tau Ceti Connection

By Forest Crawford Reprinted from UFO Journal of Facts UFO Archives, Tucson, AZ The eggs had their typical lack of firmness and the sausage tasted more like greasy rope than pork links. The orders to mobilize saved me from this breakfast experiment. We proceeded down six flights of stairs below the COMPTRAPAC submarine base in San Diego to “shoot-the-tubes.” After placing my few pieces of jewelry in a container I climbed into the cylinder to travel the tunnels to an unknown assignment. I wondered what was so important to upgrade our pay from E-3 to E-6 before we left and besides that, we could not even finish breakfast. As I am told of our departure, a familiar, uneasy feeling comes over me. When you […] Read More

1996: The Ultimate Secret – fact or fiction: The Australian Connection

by Bill Chalker (Copyright © B. Chalker – 1996) This article expands on some material that appears in the book The OZ Files – the Australian UFO Story. The author can be contacted at: P.O. Box W 42, West Pennant Hills, NSW, 2125, Australia by phone on Sydney 9484 4680 or via email: bchalker@ozemail.com.au The UFO “cover-up” argument sustains an extraordinary controversy. At its heart is the quest for proof of the Ultimate Secret. The Ultimate Secret purports to be this: UFOs are real. They are extra-terrestrial in origin. The extra-terrestrials (or ETs) are already visiting us. Some of their craft have crashed and been retrieved into military custody. In some cases, open contact has taken place, in a covert setting – a form […] Read More


UFOs, SUB ROSA*, DOWN UNDER THE AUSTRALIAN MILITARY & GOVERNMENT ROLE IN THE UFO CONTROVERSY by Bill Chalker (Copyright © B. Chalker – 1996) The author is a leading Australian UFO researcher and a contributing editor to the International UFO Reporter. An industrial chemist with an honors science degree from the University of New England he has worked in quality assurance and laboratory management. His book, The OZ Files – the Australian UFO Story, was published in 1996. He coordinates the NSW based UFO Investigation Center (UFOIC) and can be contacted at: P.O. Box W42, West Pennant Hills, NSW, 2125 Australia Telephone: (02) 9484 4680 email: bchalker@ozemail.com.au * Sub Rosa: refers to “under the rose”, meaning “in secret”. CONTENTS: ACCESS TO THE OFFICIAL AUSTRALIAN UFO FILES ACCESS […] Read More


What is UFOLOGY? Most would describe it as the study of UFOs. I do. Recently, however, it has become so ever-increasingly clear that many see it as a hobby or a pastime. Some, even as a game. As I reflect on some recent events, I am left wondering just how we have made it this far. Additionally, with some recent hard-hitting blows, I am also wondering how long it will take to return to at least the place we were only 3 short months ago. While UFOLOGY itself is growing exponentially, the seriousness and effectiveness are being knocked down fast. I think faster than the growth, and that does bother me. One other thing that is rapidly gaining on UFOLOGY is the size of […] Read More

1995: William Cooper Exhibit

(Excerpted from a slightly different version of a chapter in Kooks: A Guide to the Outer Limits of Human Belief) “If the evidence doesn’t seem to fit a particular conspiracy theory, just create a bigger conspiracy theory.” — Robert D. Hicks, In Pursuit of Satan “I am still searching for the truth. I firmly believe that this book is closer to the truth than anything ever previously written.” —William Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse Conspiracy theories are like black holes; they explain everything, sucking in facts the way black holes suck in the matter. And, like black holes, each conspiracy theory is a portal to another universe that paradoxically resides within our own. Everything you’ve ever known or experienced, no matter how “meaningless,” once […] Read More