1990’s?: Ernst Zündel’s UFO Research

Ernst Zündel‘s views on censorship TELEPHONE (416) 922-9850 ACHTUNG! SAMISDAT NEWS BULLETIN SAMISDAT HOLLOW EARTH EXPEDITION $9999.00 IN SEARCH OF HOLES IN THE POLES SEARCH FOR HITLER’S ANTARCTIC U.F.O. BASES Due to an overwhelming number of letters and telephone calls requesting details about our new books, new products, speaking tours, psychic research projects and our intensive experimental UFO-construction programs, we have to use this less personal form of keeping in touch with our many friends and collaborators around the world. Your response to our most recent mail out and activities has been most encouraging! We have received orders and enquiries from as far away as Noumea in the south Pacific, Easter Island, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Panama, Mexico, Soviet Satellite countries, China, South Africa, […] Read More

Frequently Asked Questions

Hello and welcome to the THINK ABOUT IT Frequently Asked Questions posting. I tried to keep a neutral stance when I researched the many of the subjects covered in this FAQ; however, you may also notice that some of the material seem to be one-sided. When doing some of the research I may have only used one book or source, thus (as you may have noticed) some authors present information from only one point of view and this has a tendency to be carried over to this FAQ, do to the lack of information on the subject from another point of view. (deep huh?) Also, please when reading information from this FAQ (as one poster put it) take everything you read here with a very large grain of salt. (rock […] Read More

How to Build a Flying Saucer After So Many Amateurs Have Failed

An essay in Speculative Engineering by T. B. Pawlicki At the end of the nineteenth century, the most distinguished scientists and engineers declared that no known combination of materials and locomotion could be assembled into a practical flying machine. Fifty years later another generation of distinguished scientists and engineers declared that it was technologically infeasible for a rocket ship to reach the moon. Nevertheless, men were getting off the ground and out into space even while these words were uttered. In the last half of the twentieth century, when technology is advancing faster than reports can reach the public, it is fashionable to hold the pronouncements of yesterday’s experts to ridicule. But there is something anomalous about the consistency with which eminent authorities fail to recognize technological advances […] Read More

The Confusing World of UFOlogy

By Jay Barrymore Some have commented about the amount of bickering that occurs between those of the various religious factions, but nothing can compare to the amount of treachery, back-stabbing, and rumor-mongering that occurs among those who consider themselves UFO researchers. Part of the reason for this is that UFOlogy is becoming a New Age religion in its own right. It is developing its own mythology and dogma, with die-hard believers of various organizations committed to UFO research which can be likened to “sects” or denominations. No religion wouldn’t be complete without its own soothsayers, of which there are many types as well, from those who channel alien entities from other galaxies to UFO spokespeople who claim to have government informants with the impending […] Read More

1992: A Missing Pentacle

The so-called “Pentacle Memorandum” convinced UFO researcher Jacques Vallee that the US government had been toying with the official UFO investigations, and that these were a front for something else… if not something more sinister. Philip Coppens In Forbidden Science (1992), Jacques Vallee, who was the inspiration for one of the main characters in Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind, reports how in 1967 he found Allen Hynek’s UFO files to be in serious disarray. On Sunday, June 18, 1967, Vallee tried to restore some order in the files and “found a letter which is especially remarkable because of the new light it throws on the key period of the Robertson Panel and of Report #14”. This was the report that was also […] Read More

1998: Hints of Secret Message Visible in Roswell Photos

Ramey Message might shed light on real Roswell Crash The investigation into the content of four photos taken on July 8, 1947 in the office of General Roger Ramey continues. On September 23, 1998, Ron Regehr and James Bond Johnson announced that their Roswell Photo Interpretation Team (RPIT), based in Orange County, California, had succeeded in partly deciphering a letter held in General Ramey’s hand. Ramey appears in two of the four extant photos taken by James Bond Johnson. Investigation of the photos has mostly centered on contents of the wreckage seen in all four photos. Long assumed to be fragments of a weather balloon and Rawin radar target, some of the visible wreckage is now said by Regehr, Johnson and their associates to […] Read More

1968: If UFOs are real, shouldn’t they produce some real physical effects?

If UFOs are real, shouldn’t they produce some real physical effects? James McDonald, Statement on UFOs to U.S. House Committee on Science and Aeronautics, 1968 Symposium on UFOs Again, the answer is that they do. There are rather well-authenticated cases spanning a wide variety of “physical effects.” Car-stopping cases are one important class. UFOs have repeatedly been associated with ignition failures and light-failures of cars and trucks which came near UFOs or near which the UFOs moved. I would estimate that one could assemble a list of four or five dozen such instances from various parts of the world. Interference with radios and TV receptions have been reported many times in connection with UFO sightings. There are instances where UFOs have been reported as […] Read More

1995: EMF AND UFOs?

by Patricia Mason The abduction experience is a fascinating aspect of the UFO phenomena and, like UFOs, is elusive and difficult to research. One must rely on the experiencer’s memory of the event. Are these events real? Even experiencers themselves question this. There is a physical and measurable force that can affect human perception – EMF. Discovering the role of EMF in this mystery is essential to its solution.  Magnetite is a mineral with magnetic properties. Composed of black crystals, it is the most common form of iron ore mined in the United States. Magnetite is also found in the cells of living organisms such as honey bees, whales, and birds. It is thought to act as a navigational aid, a sort of a biological compass. In the early 1990s, magnetite was found in […] Read More

The Government and UFO’s: Protocol for Truth

Dan Smith How well has the government responded to the popular belief that it is concealing evidence of UFOs? Here is what seems to be the standard conservative view: Since there is no basis for the popular belief, to begin with, any attempted response on the part of the government is only likely to stir that pot and thus be counter-productive. The opposing view is that by inadequately responding, the government is contributing to the perception of a cover-up. In most situations, the conservative position naturally tends to dominate and that has been the case in this context. However, I happen to support the ‘liberal’ view that there is at least some justification for the perception of a cover-up and that something ought to […] Read More

UFO military documents – SIOANI – for download

To: Friends, colleagues, researchers, ufologists, and people interested on Ufology Bom dia! Em dezembro de 1997, tive a satisfação de conhecer pessoalmente o Major Gilberto Zani de Melo, que foi o chefe operacional do CIOANI, órgão da Força Aérea Brasileira que pesquisou OVNIs no final dos anos 60 e início dos anos 70. Por meio de informações que ele me passou na época cheguei a outro militar que possuía parte do acervo de pesquisa e que prontamente me repassou este riquíssimo material em 2001/2002. Hoje, brindo a Comunidade Ufológica com todo este material INÉDITO que estará disponível no site abaixo para download: www.gugonline.com.br Disponibilizamos também cópia de todo este material para o Arquivo Nacional – COREG, em Brasília – DF, depois de negociação pessoal […] Read More

2006: “ET Murders Most Foul”

Part 1(Dedicated to the memory of Todd Sees of Montour, PA) by Robert D. Morningstar North Brunchilli, Australia 1992 Watch this video! New York City, September 11th, 2006 The following is a detailed analysis and description of the gruesome AA Ambulance Film Clip from Ray Santilli’s comedy film “Alien Autopsy (with Art and Dec). This article is being published in reply today, September 11, 2006, to an email from Mr. Nick Balaskas, posted this morning on UFO Updates, which read: Hi Everyone! The video on the web site below was brought to my attention by a friend on Saturday after I came to work to watch fellow Canadian and York alumnus Steve MacLean blast-off in space in Atlantis live on the big screen and, afterwards, […] Read More

Fear, Sanity, and Crossing the Line

By Michael Swords We are intrigued by the UFO phenomenon. We are amused, excited, fixated by it. Some of us reject it, some loudly, violently. The violence betrays an excitement as well. Some of us sympathetically study and critique it. And some go “all the way” and cross the line. They arise in the mornings emotionally living in a world visited now and often by occupants of UFOs. This latter group is very different from the rest of the entire spectrum of violent debunkers to deeply interested and sympathetic UFOlogists (and also most thrill-seeking camp-followers). Oddly, the debunkers and the sympaths have something much more in common with one another than the sympaths care to admit: neither of them will really, fully, emotionally, cross […] Read More

2013: Establishment Harassment of UFO Watchers

One of my particular dislikes is when film or photos were taken of U. f. O’s are confiscated and destroyed by the authorities, Some years ago, many U.F.O enthusiasts and curious onlookers would gather in the Warminster area of Britain, where sightings had been reported. You gradually get to know people by sight and some you get to know very well through sharing stories and opinions of what the U.F.O phenomena actually is. I always watch for anyone behaving out of the ordinary, and one particular guy would stand away and never mix, and I once followed him when he left a scene of several reported sightings. I was perturbed that he had parked his car about half a mile away, and while walking […] Read More