Mainstream ufology needs to re-invent itself. The concepts, beliefs and fundamental assumptions that have driven it over its first half-century of existence are due for a major overhaul. Mainstream ufology ­ espousing one or another form of the Extra-Terrestrial Hypothesis or ETH ­ would be wise to acknowledge its cultural and historical roots as a bit of Forties and Fifties Americana. This is currently being extended beyond its shelf-life.  One potential re-invention is “earth lights” research: the study of glowing, polymorphous forms by night ­ either stationary or aerobatic, ranging from inches to several yards across – and shiny metallic or pitch-black forms by day. (The term “earth lights” is simply a nickname to distinguish the phenomena from ideas of ET craft.) To the […] Read More

Strange Connections

Shane Hill As with any field of study, ufology should be looked at through the eye of scientific inquiry. Regardless of how those that call themselves regular scientists see it, we must see it that way. Had we been taking the right approach since Kenneth Arnold had his sighting then perhaps ufology might not have the stigmata associated with it that it does. Gather enough facts, place them all together ask the right questions then things start to appear, small similarities, patterns, or clues start to creep out from the mountains of data that most of us seem to collect. This is one reason I recommend a database, every enthusiastic hobbyist or serious investigator will have a database. Many have designed their own, today’s […] Read More

UFO Roundup: Volume 1 Number 6: March 25, 1996

Editor: Joseph Trainor The UFO flap in Canada is really heating up. Here’s the latest on the UFO sightings north of the border… UFO SEEN NEAR CANADIAN FORCES BASE Tuesday evening, March 19, 1996, a dazzling “star-shaped” or “diamond-shaped” UFO crossed the Ottawa River into Quebec and startled nine workmen at a brickmaking plant. The sighting took place in Waltham Station, Quebec, a small town on Highway 148 just across the river from Pembroke, Ontario. According to the Pembroke Observer, the UFO was spotted by Hector Brochu and eight other workmen at the Waltham Dry Kilns Co. just west of town. Mr. Brochu described the UFO as “a smooth star-shaped object about 45 centimeters in diameter.” Other workmen described the object as “diamond-shaped” with […] Read More

1996: The Paraphysical Theory of UFO Origins

It’s been almost fifty years since the modern era of UFO reports began, and in all that time and out of thousands (millions?) of UFO sightings, no definitive evidence regarding the nature of Our Shining Visitors has been found. Much has been alleged/hypothesized/theorized/dreamt during that time, but as of 1996, we are no closer to The Truth than Kenneth Arnold was in 1947. The extraterrestrial hypothesis is by far the most popular theory of UFO origins, but it presents many problems. As the great UFO waves of the late 1960s faded into history, many UFOlogists were left wondering if the “nuts and bolts” approach was really valid. They had abundant eyewitness reports, some landing traces, and even purported fragments of flying saucers, yet they […] Read More

2006: Calling Down the Craft: Adventures with the Mind: Transcript

A video interview with Bill Hamilton Laughlin, Nevada, March 2006 Shot, edited and directed by Kerry Lynn Cassidy Bill Hamilton: Have I seen a UFO? Many UFOs. Kerry Cassidy: Many UFOs. And could you tell us who you are? B: Well, my name is Bill Hamilton. I’ve been involved in UFO research probably most of my life. I got involved in the actual investigation of cases starting in 1976 with the Brian Scott case. And that’s when I joined MUFON and became a Field Investigator. K: So how long were you a Field Investigator for MUFON? B: Probably since 19… well, let me see… 25 years off and on… K: How did you interact with aliens? B: …it was 1957. K: Wow. B: And what I […] Read More

1975: Ted Phillips’ Physical Trace Catalogue

Special thanks to Paul Fuller for allowing us to compile his extracts into one article, and to Mark Rodeghier of CUFOS for permission to reproduce Ted Phillips‘ material. Ted Phillips’ Physical Trace Catalogue by Paul Fuller E-mail: 100611.1013@compuserve.com I am very grateful to Mark Rodeghier of the J. Allen-Hynek Centre for UFO Studies (CUFOS) for allowing me to reproduce the following cases from Ted Phillips’ celebrated Physical Trace Catalogue. The catalog was published in 1975 by CUFOS and its proper title is Physical Traces Associated with UFO Sightings, A Preliminary Catalogue. Ted Phillips was born in 1942 and has lived all his life in Missouri. He is still alive today and his career in UFO research stretched from the late 1960s to the mid-1980s. […] Read More