2003: Fluorescence findings on various body sites of abductees

Eve Frances Lorgen © 2003 Fluorescence – general description Compounds emitting fluorescence are called fluorophores or fluorochromes. When a fluorophore absorbs light, energy is taken up for the excitation of electrons to higher energy states. The process of absorption is rapid and is immediately followed by a return to lower energy states, which is accompanied by an emission of light, observed as fluorescence. Absorption and emission of light of various fluorophores may take place at different regions of the light spectrum. For the commonly used fluorophore, fluorescein (FITC), used in biotechnology, its excitation wavelength is 490 nm – the blue region of the visible spectrum and emits fluorescence at 520 nm, which is in the green-yellow region. FITC is used as a label for […] Read More

1997: The Afterglow of the UFO Abduction Experience

Fluorescence Markings Found On Claimants Of Alien/Extraterrestrial Contact By Eve Frances Lorgen, M. A. How often have you heard about the aftermath of the classic alien abduction experience: a UFO sighting, missing time, unusual body marks, dreamlike memories of large black eyed alien creatures, and varying degrees of post traumatic stress? But, on the other hand, have you ever heard about the afterglow of the alien abduction experience? Derrel Sims, Chief Investigator of UFO Abductions for Houston UFO Network (HUFON), discovered unusual fluorescence markings on numerous abductees who claimed alien contact. According to Sims, he got the idea from his research and the fact that fluorescence – a luminescent light emission in the presence of an ultraviolet (black light) energy source – was observed […] Read More