1960: The “UFOs” of Project Moon Dust

On several occasions at Mysterious Universe, I have mentioned an intriguing operation of the U.S. Government called Project Moon Dust (which, in some of the documents that have now been declassified, is referred to as Moondust). Here’s one such example of the articles on Moon Dust you can find at MU: on the extremely controversial saga of Moon Dust and Marilyn Monroe. It’s quite clear from examining the now-many pages of official documentation on Moon Dust that have been declassified by the U.S. Air Force, Defense Intelligence Agency, and Department of State, that the vast majority of Moon Dust recoveries were of earth-based technology such as Soviet satellites, rocket-boosters, etc. That’s not to say the incidents were not of deep interest. They certainly were. […] Read More

2015: Don’t Be Alarmed If You Can’t Remember — Signs You’ve Been Abducted By Aliens

I don’t want to alarm anyone, but did you know that there have been hundreds of thousands of people who have claimed, being a victim of a UFO alien abduction at least once in their lifetime, most without them even being aware of it.  Imagine that? Over hundreds of thousands of people, including many movie […]

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2017: Is the Dyad UFO “Scout Craft” a Real Lead?

UFOs(1) come in all shapes and sizes, though the flying saucer seems to be the favorite type, at least in popular culture. But one type of alleged alien craft that keeps cropping up in reports of sightings is something called the Dyad UFO “Scout Craft.” The Scout Craft Richard H. Hall describes(2) these crafts and how they are alleged to behave: “A striking pattern of reports has emerged describing what appears to be a standard model UFO, of intermediate size between the small possibly remote-controlled—discs and the often-reported 35-40 foot (10-12 meter) in diameter or large models.  Dating back to the 1950s, many witnesses have described discs (often Saturn-shaped) with transparent domes through which two small humanoid beings are visible. “Although size estimates vary, […] Read More

2017: Roswell UFO Crash – First Hand Witness Testimony – One Was Alive !

This is Gerald Anderson’s story of the Roswell UFO crash. He was interviewed by famous UFO researcher Stanton Friedman (the same researcher who first obtained Major Jesse A. Marcel’s testimony about the Roswell incident.  During this interview, Gerald Anderson tells of him as a young boy of walking upon a crashed UFO complete with its crew of 4 and with one alien creature still alive. THE ROSWELL INCIDENT WAS, IN FACT, A CRASHED UFO Anderson was out rock hunting with some family members on the Plains of St. Augustine near Socorro on July 1947 morning that this event took place.   His testimony was polygraph proved, which proves that the UFO phenomenon is real and the Roswell Incident was, in fact, a crashed UFO. […] Read More

2015: What on Earth Crash-Landed in Mexico?

by Locklip Allegedly, a dead extraterrestrial humanoid was as found among other charred debris after a fireball exploded in the sky above Ichmul, Yucatan, in Mexico, causing power faults. The Yucatan Peninsula was, alarmingly, where a huge asteroid or comet is believed to have struck 65 million years ago, killing off the dinosaurs. It is also where several meteors have previously fallen and where many unidentified flying objects (UFOs) have been reported. “The object reportedly brought mass panic to the rural area after burning in brilliant blue and green colors before crashing.” Large fragments were found, including what some people said looked like hollow bits of machinery, plus the charred form that appeared to have two legs. Officials later said tests showed that the […] Read More

1926: Maitland UFO Lights: A Close Encounter In 1926

On a quiet and muggy July night in 1926, a woman awoke to loud noises outside of her house in the outskirts of rural Maitland, Canada. Looking outside she saw strange lights hovering a few hundred feet next to her farm. Terrified and confused, the woman couldn’t do anything but stare in complete disbelief of the otherworldly lights. What were they? Who were they? As one of the lights got closer she managed to catch something staring at her from within the bright, bathing light. Not something but rather someone. “…It was a figure. A figure of a gigantic man with something resembling a rifle in his hands.“ Strange lights in Maitland A mile from the woman’s terrifying encounter, up the St. Lawrence River, […] Read More

New Report Examines ‘Leaked’ Homeland Security UFO Footage

Some months ago, I recall seeing an interesting piece of footage that apparently depicted an object in flight, as viewed through thermal imaging cameras aboard a DHS aircraft, as it passed over Puerto Rico. Apart from an ambiguous object seen streaking through the sky and the agency reportedly behind it, the video left a lot to the imagination. Many suggested it was a balloon, while others said it was more likely to have been a bird. The latter explanation had been suggested due to a particularly odd characteristic observed toward the end of the footage: the unidentified flying object is seen entering the ocean and traveling intermittently above and below the surface as it leaves the vicinity. The footage of this object can be seen below: My friend […] Read More

2015: The Magonia Problem

by David Halperin One day not long after the year 800, Agobard, archbishop of Lyon, found himself in exactly the right place to stop a lynching. Lucky thing for three men and one woman, who were said to have fallen from ships that sailed through the sky. Vis-à-vis the aerial ships, Agobard was what we’d now call a “debunker.” If he were alive today, he’d probably be in CSICOP. Or maybe not: the foundation of his skepticism was that the popular beliefs he devoted himself to debunking were contrary to Holy Scripture. But let Agobard tell the story: But we have seen and heard of many people overcome with so much foolishness, made crazy by so much stupidity, that they believe and say that […] Read More

1966: I know the Secret of the Flying Saucers

by Maj. Donald E. Keyhoe, USMC (Ret.) Editor’s Note: Major Keyhoe has been writing about Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO’s) in this magazine and elsewhere for over 15 years. From the outset he has insisted that flying saucers are real and interplanetary, and many authorities have come to agree with him. Now he claims that control over gravity itself is the only explanation for the astounding maneuvers which saucers are said to make.Some physicists dismiss this theory as fundamentally erroneous. But, as you will read, there are others who find Major Keyhoe’s latest chapter in “The Great Flying Saucer Story” important and plausible. One night last February, over the North Pacific, a Flying Tiger Airlines crew had a startling aerial encounter. What they saw is […] Read More

1957: Astronaut Gordon Cooper Witnessed a UFO Landing in 1957

“I had a camera crew filming the installation when they spotted a saucer. They filmed it as it flew overhead, then hovered, extended three legs as landing gear, and slowly came down to land on a dry lake bed. It was a classic saucer, shiny silver and smooth, about 30 feet across. It was pretty clear it was an alien craft.” The event Cooper describes happened in 1957. At that time, he was one of the best test pilots at the Edwards Air Force Base in California. He also managed several other projects belonging to the Experimental Flight Test School at Edwards and his credibility has never been called into question. On May 3 of that year, he had his crew of engineers setting […] Read More

1971: Official U.S. Navy Photos of Arctic UFOs Encounter LEAKED

A set of newly-released photos detail the U.S. Navy’s close encounter with an enormous UFO/USO. The case was submitted to The Black Vault by researcher/investigator Alex Mistretta, who in turn got them from one of his anonymous sources in Europe. An interesting story is attached to these photos. In March 1971, the USS Trepang, a Sturgeon Class attack submarine, was on a routine military and scientific mission at the edge of the Arctic Ocean. The exact location of the sighting is unknown, but the submarine’s position was somewhere between Iceland and the Jan Mayen island in the Atlantic. The unidentified object was first spotted through the periscope by an officer named John Kilika and the photos were taken by an unnamed officer. The quality […] Read More

1952: Operation Mainbrace

In 1952, a large scale naval operation attracted the attention of several UFOs and unidentified submerged objects. Multiple credible military witnesses saw them and rumors say General Dwight Eisenhower was also present. Called Operation Mainbrace (September 14-25, 1952), this naval exercise organized by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) involved armed forces from the United States, the UK, Canada, France, Denmark, Belgium, and the Netherlands. Approximately 80,000 men aboard 1,000 planes and 200 ships participated in a display of force meant to demonstrate NATO’s effectiveness in the event of the Soviet Union attacking western Europe. This massive operation caught the eye of everyone in the vicinity and, apparently, not all of them were human. The first two incidents occurred during the first day of […] Read More


Editor: Joseph Trainor TRIANGULAR UFO SIGHTED NEAR CARLISLE, PENNSYLVANIA Sunday night, May 12, at 10:30 p.m. Eastern time, a 19-year-old male driver heading east on Route 76, the Pennsylvania Turnpike, spotted a UFO just north of the highway. He said, “I looked up and saw a huge black triangle. It was not moving. It had a bright light at each tip.” At the time of the sighting, the witness was heading home after a visit to his girl friend’s house in Pittsburgh. There were no other cars on the road. The UFO was seen hovering above the Conodoguinet River, about two miles west of Carlisle, near the Army base. At the time he spotted the UFO, the witness was listening to a cassette. He […] Read More


Editor: Joseph Trainor SAUCER HOVERS OVER NEW JERSEY TOWN Sunday night, May 5, 1996, at approximately 10:12 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, a party of amateur astronomers set up their telescope on a hillside in Wayne, New Jersey. The group hoped to obtain good views of the planet Venus, then prominent on the western horizon. As the first astronomer peered through the telescope’s eyepiece, he saw “a bright flash near Venus.” She said, “At first I thought it was some sort of meteor exploding in the upper atmosphere.” Another member of the group, who’d set up their telescope on Brandon Avenue near Route 23, said the sky explosion was “a whitish green color.” The first astronomer looked again and saw a gray saucer with “two […] Read More