UFO’s, Close Encounters of the Positive Kind

Lecture by Jananda (Jananda@sedona.net) Greetings. I will talk a little bit about my first contact with the space people. For me it was not at all a fearful experience, not at all. A group of people were sitting in a meditation. As we were sitting there meditating, a wonderful light appeared right next to my chair, and the right side of my body started burning. It was actually like I was on fire. I could not see any form, just the light. And this light said to me, “I am the light of the world. Please follow me.” I almost got a shock! A voice came out of this light. I always like to make a joke, so I said to this light, “Well, […] Read More

1954: UFO Recovery Team!

William S. Steinman 15043 Rosalita Dr. La Mirada, Calif. 90638   Stanton T. Friedman 110 Kings College Rd. Fredericton, New Brunswick Canada E2B 2E7 March 21, 1984 Dear Stan: I received a letter from Fred Darwin of Dallas, Texas, in which he laid down the history of  N.D.R.C. – O.S.R.D. as it became J.D.R.B. and eventually ended up becoming R.D.B. He gave me names of persons whom he considered to be the most likely candidates for team members on a Flying Saucer recovery operation – “if there were ever such a happening“. They are as follows: Dr. Vannevar Bush Dr. Karl T. Compton Dr. Lloyd V. Berkner Dr. Robert F. Rinehart Dr. Eric A. Walker Dr. John Von Neumann I did some library research […] Read More

1996: UFO Reality Shift?

Governments may soon break fifty years of silence to tell us the truth about UFOs visiting our planet. But will they tell the whole truth…? Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 3, #3 (April-May 1996). © 1995/96 by Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D. 2826 O Street, Suite 2 Sacramento, CA 95816, USA email: rich.boylan@24stex.com THE ROSWELL INCIDENT Recent and upcoming developments point to public disclosure of UFO and extraterrestrial reality in the very near future. The US GAO (General Accounting Office-the the congressional investigative agency) has completed its investigation of the cover-up of documents related to the 1947 Roswell saucer crash retrieval and autopsies of extraterrestrial bodies. This investigation had been commissioned by Congressman Steven Schiff of New Mexico. Senator Diane Feinstein joined in requesting that […] Read More

Was There a “Roswell” in 1865?

by W. Ritchie Benedict FATE Magazine Reprinted by permission When I started researching back issues of Canadian newspapers on microfilm I didn’t expect to discover anything out of the ordinary. However, I found much more than I bargained for. I had agreed to undertake the research task for well-known Toronto author John Robert Colombo, who has published a number of popular books on the paranormal (Mysterious Canada, UFOs Over Canada, Dark Visions, and Mysterious Encounters). I began searching through old newspapers and I found them to be rich with unusual material, which made the task both fascinating and addictive. There are literally hundreds of references to everything from ghosts to lake monsters to spontaneous human combustion. One afternoon, I stumbled upon an article that […] Read More

An Engineer Looks at the Project Mogul Hypothesis

Editor’s Note: Robert A. Galganski has a master’s degree in civil engineering and is employed as a ground vehicle crash safety systems research and development specialist. He received the Ufologist of the Year award at the 1997 National UFO Conference in Springfield, Ohio, for his contributions to Roswell Incident research. Article from the International UFO Reporter, Summer 1998, Volume 23, Number 2. An Engineer Looks at the Project Mogul Hypothesis by Robert A. Galganski In early July 1947, Mac Brazel, foreman of the Foster sheep ranch northwest of Roswell, New Mexico, discovered a large quantity of extremely unusual, widely scattered, and highly fragmented lightweight debris on a pasture. The Army initially attributed it to the misidentified remnants of a downed weather balloon and an attached radar target. Forty-seven years later, the Air Force explained the […] Read More

1992: A Missing Pentacle

The so-called “Pentacle Memorandum” convinced UFO researcher Jacques Vallee that the US government had been toying with the official UFO investigations, and that these were a front for something else… if not something more sinister. Philip Coppens In Forbidden Science (1992), Jacques Vallee, who was the inspiration for one of the main characters in Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind, reports how in 1967 he found Allen Hynek’s UFO files to be in serious disarray. On Sunday, June 18, 1967, Vallee tried to restore some order in the files and “found a letter which is especially remarkable because of the new light it throws on the key period of the Robertson Panel and of Report #14”. This was the report that was also […] Read More

1997: Apollo 12 Sightings

by Donald B. Ratsch On Friday November 13, 1997 by pre arrangement I traveled to Washington D.C. to meet with ORTK member and MUFON’s Representative for Washington D.C. Elaine Douglas. Elaine knew I was interested in and collected NASA UFO footage. She wanted me to meet a man she knew that could give me some interesting information on that subject. She also wanted me to show this man my collection of NASA UFO footage. He was to arrive at Elaine’s apartment at 10:30am so I arrived 30 minutes earlier at 10:00am. At precisely 10:30am there was a knock on her door and I opened it for Elaine. The man was well dressed and looked in his forties. Elaine introduced us and we exchanged small […] Read More

1998: Area 51 Really Does Exist, But Still, Nobody’s Talking

By Thomas Hargrove Scripps Howard News Service Many people who believe in UFOs also think that “Area 51” —  dried-up Groom Lake in Nevada — is where the Air Force keeps the flying saucers it captured. And maybe an autopsied alien body or two. Others think the military base is the testing grounds for  America’s most secret military machines, everything from the  F-117 Stealth fighter to electro-magnetic pulse weapons that would make Buck Rogers nervous. What is certain is that there is something in that moonscape property north of Las Vegas. Officially designated the “Nellis Air Force Bombing and Gunnery Range,” the federally protected territory covers an area equal to Rhode Island and Connecticut. What also is certain is that 1,851 federal civilian workers are employed in […] Read More

1997: Cosmic Top Secret

By: Richard Gall A word from Jeroen Wierda: This is yet another great article by Richard Gall. It’s about Col. Robert Dean ret. who had the highest security clearance that NATO possessed “Cosmic Top Secret”.This article is written by Richard Gall, and all rights remain with him. Cosmic Top Secret by Richard Gall [Former US Army Colonel Robert Dean breaks his oath of secrecy to reveal details of the ‘assessment’, a highly classified NATO document concerning UFOs. For 27 years, Robert Dean served his country as a patriot and a soldier in the US Army. He led combat troops in Korea in 1951 and was in charge of intelligence operations patrols in South Vietnam in 1970. His long history in covert operations and intelligence […] Read More

1988: Wright Patterson AFB : What’s Going On There?

This information is presented for your perusal and is a continuation of my policy of informing the public what is currently available. The content of this information does NOT necessarily reflect the personal views of the poster, nor should the views, opinions, statements or claims represented in the following be accepted by anyone reading these texts at *face* value. If this interests you, please endeavor to research it yourself and investigate it to *your* satisfaction, and as such I will leave it in your hands to either prove it or de-bunk it 🙂 As I do not have a great amount of time available to pursue follow-ups exclusively, comments to me should be directed to submit@think-aboutit.com in the mail. ——————————————————————— Begin ~~~~~ Wright Patterson […] Read More


VOLUME 19   JUNE 14, 1955 This design study for a flying saucer fighter was prepared for LOOK by Thomas Turner, a 30-year-old British aeronautical engineer now employed by Republic Aviation Corp. A Canadian saucer project that may resemble it in some details has long been rumored. Turner points out that the design could be arrived at independently and is only one of several possible approaches to the construction of a saucer craft. Future airports built for vertically rising flying saucers would have no need for the long, vulnerable runways today’s fighters require. The complete operation could go underground. Tunnels with take-off shafts set into the ground, complete with maintenance bays, fuel and crew quarters, would be bombproof shelters for a saucer squadron. The shafts would be sealed after take-off for camouflage […] Read More


1939-46 Spitzbergen, NORWAY ? 4 July 1947 Roswell, NM 4 Bodies 13 Feb 1948 Aztec, NM 12 Bodies 7 July 1948 MEXICO So.of LAREDO TX 1 Body 1949 Roswell, NM 1 ET Living 1952 Spitzbergen, NORWAY 2 Bodies 14 Aug 1952 Ely, NV 16 Bodies 10 Sep 1950 Albuquerque, NM 3 Bodies 18 Apr 1953 S.W. AZ No Bodies 20 May 1953 Kingman, AZ 1 Body 19 June 1953 Laredo, TX 4 Bodies 10 July 1953 Johannesburg S.AFRICA 5 Bodies 13 Oct 1953 Dutton MT 4 Bodies 5 May 1955 Brighton, ENGLAND 4 Bodies 18 July 1957 Carlsbad, NM 4 Bodies 1961 Timmensdorfer, GERMANY 12 Bodies 12 June 1962 Holloman AFB NM 2 Bodies 10 Nov 1964 Ft.Riley, KS 9 Bodies 27 Oct 1966 […] Read More

1999: The True Story of a Man Taken for Ten Days To an Extraterrestrial Civilization

Alec Newald One Monday in mid-February 1989, Alec Newald set off on what should have been a three-hour drive from Rotorua to Auckland, in New Zealand. He arrived in Auckland feeling tired and confused, but was even more confused to learn that Monday was now Thursday ten days later and that he had no idea of what had happened in the meantime! When Alec did retrieve his memories of those missing ten days, he realized his life had changed forever. Early on in that fateful trip, while driving through a foggy mountain pass, Alec was whisked from the road by beings from an extraterrestrial civilization. What he learned and experienced during his stay with these friendly beings has profound implications for all of us […] Read More

1998: Abduction terminals in the military?

My story started at age five in 1951 when I saw a spaceship when we were living in West Virginia. I told my parents, aunts, uncles and cousins. I don’t have to tell you what their reactions were. When I came home from Vietnam in Oct., 1967, I was twenty one years old and in the army. I was stationed at Fort Ord, California in what was called C.D.E.C. OR COMBAT  DEVELOPMENTS EXPERIMENTAL COMMAND. We would be bussed eighty miles out into the Mojave Desert to “HUNTER LIGGETT MILITARY RESERVATION CA.” which was where we did our so called experiments. One night while on guard duty around October 24, 1967, I was with three other soldiers who I thought were my friends. I noticed […] Read More