1989: The UFO Conspiracy

The UFO Conspiracy Information concerning the U.S. government’s cover-up of alien activity on Earth, according to Milton William Cooper Compiled by David E. Stewart 1301 W. 24th St. Apt. M20 Lawrence, KS 66046 1-913-749-5914 The UFO Conspiracy Table of Contents The Milton William Cooper Speech Appendix A: Operation Majority Appendix B: For More Information Appendix C: Musings This document was created using Microsoft Word 5.0 on a Tandy 1000TL (IBM compatible) computer. The information contained herein comes mostly from the alt.conspiracy section of Usenet, a worldwide computer messaging network accessed via the University of Kansas Digital Equipment Corporation VAX 8650 computer system. Other information was obtained by the editor via personal phone calls and other research.

Top Physical Trace Cases – A Preliminary List

Ted Phillips, Center for Physical Trace Research Summary: The following is a preliminary list of High Strangeness cases involving physical traces associated with UFO sightings. It is not complete and will be added to as additional reports are received. These cases represent some of the high strangeness trace/landing events from a database of over 4,000 such events. Report 4/15/1930 Largentiere, France: multiple witnesses, cone-shaped, lands very close, projects beams, traces. Report 8/??/1933 Nipawin, Sask., 0700: multiple witnesses, a disc with 6 legs, occupants, 30 minutes, traces. Report 2/5/1934 Malselv, Norway: multiple witnesses, humanoids, footprints, traces. Report 12/25/45 Newland, MO: multiple witnesses, 2 minutes, house damage, traces. Report 7/11/46 Njurunda, Sweden: multiple witness, sphere, human effects, 7 ft crater liquid traces. Report 4/24/50 Varese, Italy: […] Read More

1948-1980s: Project Phoenix

 Phoenix also is the name of a CIA Mind Control Program.  The program, in the second half of the ’60s, was centered around behavior modification experiments to learn how to extract information from prisoners of war in Vietnam. (Quoted by Harry V. Martin and David Caul, from Douglas Valentine’s “The Phoenix Program”) Val Valerian conducted several interviews on the matter and came to the conclusion that there actually were THREE Phoenix projects. Phoenix I was a project that evolved out of the Philadelphia / Rainbow project and lasted from 1948 until 1968. (It only got the name Phoenix in 1953). Phoenix I was in fact a “double” project. Its purposes were 1° to create devices that could generate time/space tunnels in order to render […] Read More

1969: Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects

The “Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects” (Condon & Gillmor 1969; often referred to as the “Condon Report”) presents the findings of the Colorado Project regarding a scientific study of unidentified flying objects. It remains the most influential public document concerning the current scientific status of the UFO issue. Following is a short chronology of events that led to the Air Force contract with the University of Colorado to initiate the study. This extract is from: “An Analysis of the Condon Report on the Colorado UFO Project,” by P.A. Sturrock, Center for Space Science and Astrophysics, Stanford University. Dr. Sturrock’s analysis is highly recommended as a comprehensive introduction to the text. Additionally, we have included many relevant links that offer further context for the […] Read More

1950: Project: MAGNET Updated

Newly added memorandum by Wilbert B. Smith follows this article at bottom of page  (Courtesy of the Disclosure Project) In 1950 the Canadian government authorized a short-lived program designed to study UFOs.  Here is the program’s report by Wilbert B. Smith, Engineer-in-Charge, Project Magnet. During the past five years, there has been accumulating in the files of the United States Air Force, Royal Canadian Air Force, Department of Transport, and various other agencies, an impressive number of reports on sightings of unidentified flying objects popularly known as “Flying Saucers“.  These files contain reports by creditable people on things which they have seen in the sky, tracked on radar, or photographed.  They are reports made in good faith by normal, honest people, and there is […] Read More

Top secret Wikileak government conspiracy depopulation via fake UFO attacks.

This Video Contains Facts & Accurate Information on UFOs, USOs, Aliens, Agartha, Vrill, etc. Also, Note Nibiru Renamed By N.A.S.A. Eris Does exist but is not of any concern as some of the Recent Seismic & Volcanic Events are Being caused by the effects of Orion’s Belt, But Do be aware there is strong evidence Cyclone Katrina, Haiti & Yasi are caused by H.A.A.R.P. is a gradual move to a one World Government (NWO) Be aware that your water & foods are contaminated with Fluoride, GMO, aluminum, etc to Dumb us down & Depopulate the Planet Many Vaccines contain Mercury & a threat of a Vaccine that causes sterility is now known to exist, & The BP Oil Spill May Kill off 90% of […] Read More

1940s: Project: Rainbow/Philadelphia

Project Rainbow was a military project developed during the early Forties as an attempt to make a ship invisible to enemy radar. It can be considered a forerunner to today’s experiments with ‘stealth‘ technology and radar-invisible airplanes. To achieve this result, various experiments with electromagnetic fields were carried out. The project culminated with the infamous “Philadelphia Experiment“. Following that disaster, Project Rainbow was halted, and Dr. John von Neumann, the project’s director, was sent to work on the Manhattan Project. Project Rainbow reappeared in the late 1940s. The project now concentrated on the technology behind the electromagnetic bottle created during the Philadelphia Experiment and how it could be further developed. At the same time, Project Rainbow’s former director, Dr. Neumann started research into how and why the human crew of […] Read More

Project Galileo

1. Galileo allegedly is the name of a covert project that was formed to facilitate the recovery, security, and transportation of alien craft. Most sources refer to such a project as Project Blue Fly, while the late Bill Cooper said this was part of Project Pounce. 2. Galileo also is the name of the European GPS system, and of the network of satellites that are used in it. 3. Last but not least, Galileo also was the name of a NASA probe that was sent to Jupiter. We want Number 1 Name: Bob Lazar, independent contract scientist, and businessman Claim: To have worked as a propulsion-system engineer in late 1988 and early 1989 on one of nine extraterrestrial spacecraft being researched and tested on the Nellis Air […] Read More

1954 -1978: Project Crystal Knight

After a survivor was found at the site of a crashed UFO in New Mexico, he was allowed to contact his species, and a programme was launched for the exchange of ambassadors: eventually, twelve people were sent for 13 years to Serpo, while three “Ebans (Ebens)” (some sources only mention one) stayed on Earth. The name of this exchange programme allegedly was Project Crystal Knight. It ran from 1954 until 1978. A first attempt to exchange ambassadors failed in 1964. A second attempt in 1965 was successful and lasted until 1978. Note that while most sources agree that such a programme has indeed existed, it is only in the Serpo material that the name Crystal Knight has been mentioned for this programme.

1949: Project Bando

Project Bando was established in 1949 and has to do with studying the alien bodies and survivors that were found at sites where UFOs had crashed. More specifically, it dealt with collecting and evaluating the biological information obtained from alien beings, either survivors or the bodies. It was said that they were examined to determine evolutionary information for medical researchers. Material published on the Serpo site in August 2006 claims that a new such project exists and is called Nomad Project

1992: Abductees

At the 1992 MIT Conference on abductions, Mark Rodeghier proposed the following definition of abductees: To qualify as an abductee, a person must be taken against his or her will, from terrestrial surroundings, by non-human beings. These beings must take a person to an enclosed place, non-terrestrial in appearance, that is assumed or known to be a spacecraft by the witness. In this place, the person must either be subjected to a physical examination, engaged in communication, verbal or telepathic, or both. These experiences may be remembered consciously or through methods of focused concentration, such as hypnosis. Source: C.D.B. Bryan, Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind.

1949: Project Saucer

NATIONAL MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT OFFICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION Washington 25, D. C. MEMORANDUM TO THE PRESS           NO. M 26 – 49 IMMEDIATE RELEASE APRIL 27, 1949 RE 6700 Ext. 3201           The following report is a digest of preliminary studies made by the Air Material Command, Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio, on “Flying Saucers.” PROJECT   “SAUCER” On Tuesday, June 24, 1947, a Boise, Idaho businessman named Kenneth Arnold looked from his private plane and spotted a chain of nine saucer-like objects playing tag with the jagged peaks of Washington’s Mt. Ranier at what he described as a “fantastic speed.” Arnold’s report set off a veritable celestial chain reaction.   And within a few days, the fabulous “flying saucers” had spun into the national spotlight.  […] Read More