2018: The US Government On The Verge Of Confiscating Supposed Debris Of The Roswell UFO Crash

ABOVE Image Credit: Frank Kimbler. In 2011, a man discovered a number of artifacts in Roswell, New Mexico, where an alien spacecraft had supposedly crashed in 1947. He took the mysterious metallic pieces to a number of labs for testing. Results came back showing that the mysterious artifacts were not from Earth.  “…either the lab made an analytical error or the material is not from Earth.” The Roswell case, also dubbed the Roswell UFO incident, refers to the alleged crash of an alien spacecraft in Roswell, New Mexico, in the United States, on July 10. 1947. The event marked the birth of modern ufology and led to numerous debates, theories, and speculations about the existence of extraterrestrial life. Many others consider these claims totally unfounded. […] Read More


[The is only one of many files which I intend to upload that substantiate the information contained in my MAJIC. TXT. – Bill Cooper] A series of PROJECT GRUDGE/BLUE BOOK reports have been released over the years in connection with the USAF’s investigation into UFO’s which was supposedly terminated with the release of the Condon report in the late 1960s. Reports 1 through twelve of GRUDGE/BLUE BOOK were generally innocuous and contained no classified or truly sensitive material. There was a final report, #14 which was widely circulated and about which an entire book was written: FLYING SAUCERS: AN ANALYSIS OF THE AIR FORCE PROJECT BLUE BOOK SPECIAL REPORT NO. 14 by Leon Davidson: the fifth edition was published in 1976 by Blue-Book Publishers; […] Read More

1992: A Missing Pentacle

The so-called “Pentacle Memorandum” convinced UFO researcher Jacques Vallee that the US government had been toying with the official UFO investigations, and that these were a front for something else… if not something more sinister. Philip Coppens In Forbidden Science (1992), Jacques Vallee, who was the inspiration for one of the main characters in Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind, reports how in 1967 he found Allen Hynek’s UFO files to be in serious disarray. On Sunday, June 18, 1967, Vallee tried to restore some order in the files and “found a letter which is especially remarkable because of the new light it throws on the key period of the Robertson Panel and of Report #14”. This was the report that was also […] Read More

Red Book

Richard Boylan defines the Red Book as “a human compendium of information derived from the extraterrestrials.“ Amongst other things, it gives a chronology of alien interventions throughout history. It also contains all kinds of predictions, based upon what extraterrestrials would have communicated over the years. By now it is clear that several of these predictions have NOT come true, which increases the chance that the information about the Red Book actually was disinformation. Note that the Red Book is compiled by the US Government, whereas the Yellow Book is compiled by alien “visitors” and given to the US Government. The Red Book is believed to be updated every five years.

1994: A Die-Hard Issue: CIA’s Role in the Study of UFOs, 1947-90

Gerald K. Haines An extraordinary 95 percent of all Americans have at least heard or read something about Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), and 57 percent believe they are real. (1) Former US Presidents Carter and Reagan claim to have seen a UFO. UFOlogists–a neologism for UFO buffs–and private UFO organizations are found throughout the United States. Many are convinced that the US Government, and particularly CIA, are engaged in a massive conspiracy and coverup of the issue. The idea that CIA has secretly concealed its research into UFOs has been a major theme of UFO buffs since the modern UFO phenomena emerged in the late 1940s. (2) In late 1993, after being pressured by UFOlogists for the release of additional CIA information on UFOs, […] Read More


BY STEVEN M. GREER, M.D. A comprehensive analysis of the UFO phenomenon, as well as original research and experiences of members of the CSETI CE-5 Initiative Working Group, has enabled us to make some specific conclusions about UFOs, Extraterrestrial Intelligence and their motives. The summation of this analysis, which follows, is intended to assist both groups and individuals in their efforts to understand this complex subject. We have recorded only those conclusions for which we have a high level of certainty. GENERAL CONCLUSIONS Some UFOs are extraterrestrial spacecraft (ETS) which are piloted by extraterrestrial biological entities (EBEs) who originate on another planet, and most likely another star system. More than one extraterrestrial civilization is represented in the current activities involving Earth. These extraterrestrial civilizations […] Read More

2010: Operation TANGO-SIERRA – Humanoid Infiltration

THINK ABOUTIT PROJECT/GROUP SUMMARY Project/Group Name: Operation TANGO-SIERRA Mission:  It involved U.S. intelligence capturing an alien being living among us. Date Started: early 1980. Ended: lasted nine months Who or Whom Started It: involved approximately 60 intelligence officers. Every intelligence gathering capability was utilized at the time: Ground, aerial surveillance, telephone wiretaps, photographic evidence, and other undisclosed clandestine operations were all conducted and some simultaneously in concert with one another Part of what Government Agency: U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) and other U.S. government agencies have been involved in security activities involving human-appearing extraterrestrial beings in the U.S. Location: D.C area. Special Features/Characteristics:   Source: Summary/Description: Full Report American Chronicle and Joint Recon Study Group – According to accounts released […] Read More


BILL HAMILTON ON DULCE UNDERGROUND ALIEN BASE Bill Hamilton did OT 3 in Scientology about 1970 and he’s been expelled. A few years ago Bill Robertson took him the very first Sector 9 issues, so his viewpoint is more from a planetary and intergalactic scenario. Hamilton summarizes everything that he found out as follows: The Dulce New Mexico underground base has UFOs seen in the area every night. Cattle have been mutilated, cut with a laser knife. This information comes from people working at the base, who were kidnapped or abducted and taken there and then released. Also, people who helped to construct it and people who were working with the intelligence community there. The facility is a bio-genetics lab and is connected to […] Read More

2008: Ancient crashed UFO claimed to be from dinosaur age, 150 million years ago

Joint Recon Study Group 2008-08-05 News released today about a secret U.S. Government project to analyze an allegedly extraterrestrial craft has a unique twist. This craft did not crash in 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico. According to the anonymous sources, it crashed approximately 150 million years ago during the age of the dinosaurs. This information has been posted on the SERPO.org Web site, home to other reports about extraterrestrial visitation reportedly provided by current and former officials of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). The conduit for the information is Victor Martinez, the moderator of an e-mail “stream” information service that focuses on topics related to anomalous phenomena. Martinez has reportedly worked for several U.S. Government agencies. In late 2005, Martinez wrote that these […] Read More

1998: Abductions

A lot of people have been abducted by aliens. Scientific research by experts like the late Harvard Prof. John Mack, the MIT’s Prof. David Pritchard, Prof. David Jacobs, Leo Sprinkle, or Budd Hopkins revealed that at least 4 million people within the USA have been abducted, and that’s the most conservative estimate. As only 20 to 25 % of the people that have been abducted, have a conscious recollection of the event, the actual amounts of abductees may be even a lot higher. The research also confirmed that something very real is happening to them. Some, if not a majority, of these abductees report physical abuse, or being forced to take part in breeding programs, physical experiments, etc. In most cases the abductors are […] Read More

2002: Project Gleam

Material published on the Serpo site in August 2006 mentions a project GLEAM which would be a project to communicate with the alien “visitors” that the US Government interacts with. The communication system would consist of a complex, highly classified series of relay stations and satellites that are also used in the “Echelon” project. At least part of the technology would have been provided by the “visitors.” It would first have been tested in 2002. Note that no other source mentions this project. Instead, all other sources refer to projects Sigma and Plato as the projects that deal with communications with extraterrestrials. However, as these sources are ‘older,’ there still is a possibility that Gleam would be a new name or a new subproject.

Project Aries

The Aries Project is a subproject of Pres. Reagan’s SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative), also known as the Star Wars Program. It consists of building an electromagnetic pulse generator (or Van de Graaf generator) as a weapon. Officially the weapon is designed as a protection against incoming missiles. In reality, it is supposed to be a weapon against “IAV’s” (identified aerial vehicles), or “IAC’s” (identified alien craft). M.W. Cooper mentions a similar project, but calls it the “Joshua project.” Yet another source calls it the  Zeus Project. “Project ARIES, the Advanced Research Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Simulator Site“, where a two-blocks long device was built for the Defense Nuclear Agency by Edgerton. Germhausen & Greer (EG&G). EG&G is a shadowy corporation involved (along with Wackenhut Corporation) in […] Read More