UFO’s, Close Encounters of the Positive Kind

Lecture by Jananda (Jananda@sedona.net) Greetings. I will talk a little bit about my first contact with the space people. For me it was not at all a fearful experience, not at all. A group of people were sitting in a meditation. As we were sitting there meditating, a wonderful light appeared right next to my chair, and the right side of my body started burning. It was actually like I was on fire. I could not see any form, just the light. And this light said to me, “I am the light of the world. Please follow me.” I almost got a shock! A voice came out of this light. I always like to make a joke, so I said to this light, “Well, […] Read More

1950-1969: Project Magnet

Project Magnet was the name of a Canadian research project, government-funded, from 1950-1969, to investigate the possible correlation between the earth’s magnetic field and the propulsion mechanism used in UFO’s. Started by Dr. Wilbert Smith. Results are still ‘Top Secret.’ PROJECT MAGNET CANADIAN SCIENTISTS CONTACT VENUS Government Secret Project In January 1972, the Department of Interplanetary Affairs was created, to research into the scientific investigation of UFOs and attempt to contact UFO occupants if possible. Extensive files on reports of UFO landings, sightings, and contacts in Hawaii were soon accumulated, and it was discovered that many UFO researchers desired our reports. We began to trade data and were amazed when former officials of a secret government or military intelligence agencies came to our office […] Read More