1995: William Cooper Exhibit

(Excerpted from a slightly different version of a chapter in Kooks: A Guide to the Outer Limits of Human Belief) “If the evidence doesn’t seem to fit a particular conspiracy theory, just create a bigger conspiracy theory.” — Robert D. Hicks, In Pursuit of Satan “I am still searching for the truth. I firmly believe that this book is closer to the truth than anything ever previously written.” —William Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse Conspiracy theories are like black holes; they explain everything, sucking in facts the way black holes suck in the matter. And, like black holes, each conspiracy theory is a portal to another universe that paradoxically resides within our own. Everything you’ve ever known or experienced, no matter how “meaningless,” once […] Read More

1998: Edger Fouche presentation on Area 51

Edger Fouche presentation on Area 51, Part I Below are notes for a presentation given by Edgar Fouche. Fouche is the author of the novel “Alien Rapture”. He says he has worked at Area 51 and has collected UFO stories from pilots and other former government workers. The text below is reprinted with permission. Margins have been reformatted by the moderator. =============================================================== Presentation for UFO Congress 8 August 1998 Laughlin, Nevada by Edgar Rothschild Fouche Copyright 1998 Fouche Media Associates at Web: Fouchemedia.com Author’s Note: The draft of Alien Rapture was originally called The Abductors and was copyrighted in early 1994. The MJ-12 documents presented in the book were copyrighted also. The point is, these documents talk about a removable lens the aliens used […] Read More

2004: Alien Abductions in the 21st Century: A Commentary by an Alien Abductee

By James Bartley © 2004 I have had the opportunity to observe at fairly close quarters how the media and the mainstream UFO research community has treated the subject of Alien Abductions. The media has by and large dismissed the subject out of hand as being frivolous and unworthy of serious study. This is due in large part to the CIA’s infiltration and ownership of numerous media outlets. There are countless journalists who are paid “Assets” of the CIA and other Intelligence agencies. Nowadays many “Educational” programs on cable television are used to discredit the testimony of alien abductees and to debunk sightings of UFOs and non-human beings. UFO Witnesses and Alien Abductees are dismissed as “UFO Believers” in the mainstream print and electronic […] Read More

1948-1980s: Project Phoenix

 Phoenix also is the name of a CIA Mind Control Program.  The program, in the second half of the ’60s, was centered around behavior modification experiments to learn how to extract information from prisoners of war in Vietnam. (Quoted by Harry V. Martin and David Caul, from Douglas Valentine’s “The Phoenix Program”) Val Valerian conducted several interviews on the matter and came to the conclusion that there actually were THREE Phoenix projects. Phoenix I was a project that evolved out of the Philadelphia / Rainbow project and lasted from 1948 until 1968. (It only got the name Phoenix in 1953). Phoenix I was in fact a “double” project. Its purposes were 1° to create devices that could generate time/space tunnels in order to render […] Read More