1998: PRESS RELEASE: Dozens of New Top-Secret Witnesses Identified

PRESS RELEASE: Dozens of New Top-Secret Witnesses Identified From: A.J. Craddock FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CSETI PROJECT STARLIGHT UPDATE PRESS RELEASE 6 April 1998 CSETI Headquarters, Asheville NC For Immediate Release and Distribution Dozens of New Top-Secret Government UFO Witnesses Identified One Year After CSETI DC Briefings One year after the CSETI (Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence) briefings for members of Congress, White House staff and other government and military leaders, dozens of new, top-secret government UFO witnesses have come forward. On April 9, 1997, CSETI convened extensive briefings for government and military leaders concerning the existence of UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence. Nearly 30 congressional offices were represented at the briefings, which were held at the Georgetown Westin Hotel in Washington DC. Since […] Read More

The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects: Chapter 12

CHAPTER 12, THE WASHINGTON MERRY GO ROUND: No flying saucer report in the history of the UFO ever won more world acclaim than the Washington National Sightings. When radars at the Washington National Airport and at Andrews AFB, both close to the nation’s capital, picked up UFO’s, the sightings beat the Democratic National Convention out of headline space. They created such a furor that I had inquiries from the office of the President of the United States and from the press in London, Ottawa, and Mexico City. A junior sized riot was only narrowly averted in the lobby of the Roger Smith Hotel in Washington when I refused to tell U.S. newspaper reporters what I knew about the sightings. Besides being the most highly […] Read More