2002: Gods from Outer Space?

Christy Taylor Summary: Have we been visited? Have extra-terrestrials influenced our history? If you look at mythology, it appears we have been visited! Almost all mythologies (Christian mythology included) mentions some sort of flying gods. Have we been visited? Have extra-terrestrials influenced our history? If you look at mythology, it appears we have been visited! Almost all mythologies (Christian mythology included) mentions some sort of flying gods. In the Algonquin myth (as told in J.F. Bierlein’s book “Parallel Myths”) a hunter, Algon comes upon a circle cut in the grass. Hiding in the bushes, he watches a great willow basket descend from the sky, and twelve beautiful maidens emerge. Doesn’t this description of a flying “basket” sound similar to modern reports of “flying saucers”? […] Read More

1997: ETs and Ancient Astronauts are Illuminati Propaganda

article extracted from Truth Campaign issue 25 with additional material Foreword by Ivan Fraser Over the last 30 years or so there has been increasing interest in the ‘ancient astronaut’ thesis. Although this fascination with ‘real’ alien visitors essentially hit mainstream consciousness with the works of Erik Von Daniken and Zecharia Sitchin, the population has been mentally prepared for the aliens since the beginning of the 20th century by science-fiction in books, comics, movies, and tv shows. It is so innate to our collective psyche today that there are very few who do not relate the idea of UFOs to extra-terrestrial beings and have an immediate mental image of the ‘greys’ and the similar spindly beings of Spielberg’s Close Encounters, or Whitley Streiber’s Communion, […] Read More

2008: UFOs and 14th Century Black Death

© 2008 by Linda Moulton Howe “People were reporting ‘comets.’ But they were clearly not comets from the descriptions. People were reporting bright flying objects and said the aerial objects were spraying gas, which they called ‘mists’ that caused the Black Death.” – William Bramley, Atty., The Gods of Eden The classic sign of the 14th Century bubonic plague was the appearance of buboes shown in the illustration, which are swollen lymph nodes in the groin, the neck, and armpits that oozed pus and bled. Most victims died within four to seven days after infection. Illustration of the Black Death from the Toggenburg Bible in 1411. Click here for Earthfiles podcast. August 22, 2008, Modesto, California – Every once in a while, there is […] Read More