The Release of the Cooper Material

FROM: National Security Council TOP SECRET Codename: Falcon THE RELEASE OF THE COOPER MATERIAL There are many hazards involved with exposing information regarding UFOs. It has not been until quite recently that any degree of safety at all has been available for people releasing such information. Were it not for the fact that Cooper released his information so far and wide and it filtered to so many people at once — newspapers, legislators, heads of state, people in important positions all over the world — he would have suffered severely. But because it was scattered so quickly, it would have been fruitless to silence him after the information had been released. It would only have added to the credibility of the information. At the […] Read More

The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien Abduction 4a

Q: (L) What or who, precisely, are the Gray aliens? A: Cybergenetic probes and decoys created by the Reptoids. Q: What is being done in the “gazing process” that so many abductees report from their interactions with the Grays? A: Study brain. Reflective remolecularization imaging via energy focusing. Q: (L) What is behind their eyes? A: Camera like system. Q: (L) Is that system also able to send signals? A: Yes. This induces thought paralysis. Q: (L) Do they implant thoughts with their eyes also? A: Can. Q: (L) What do they do with implants? A: Monitor and control your total sensorium. Q: (L) I have drawn a sort of conclusion about some of the activities of the Lizzies and their abductions through the […] Read More

2008: Ancient crashed UFO claimed to be from dinosaur age, 150 million years ago

Joint Recon Study Group 2008-08-05 News released today about a secret U.S. Government project to analyze an allegedly extraterrestrial craft has a unique twist. This craft did not crash in 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico. According to the anonymous sources, it crashed approximately 150 million years ago during the age of the dinosaurs. This information has been posted on the Web site, home to other reports about extraterrestrial visitation reportedly provided by current and former officials of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). The conduit for the information is Victor Martinez, the moderator of an e-mail “stream” information service that focuses on topics related to anomalous phenomena. Martinez has reportedly worked for several U.S. Government agencies. In late 2005, Martinez wrote that these […] Read More

1998: Abductions

A lot of people have been abducted by aliens. Scientific research by experts like the late Harvard Prof. John Mack, the MIT’s Prof. David Pritchard, Prof. David Jacobs, Leo Sprinkle, or Budd Hopkins revealed that at least 4 million people within the USA have been abducted, and that’s the most conservative estimate. As only 20 to 25 % of the people that have been abducted, have a conscious recollection of the event, the actual amounts of abductees may be even a lot higher. The research also confirmed that something very real is happening to them. Some, if not a majority, of these abductees report physical abuse, or being forced to take part in breeding programs, physical experiments, etc. In most cases the abductors are […] Read More